I Would Like a Government Appropriation Public Comment from Jake Burtosky[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.]
#moses #dionysus #wu #chu #hudsonbay #montolia #uchuthis #aten
Has warfare been natural in the process of polygamy becoming tolerated in society becoming? Why, when juxtaposed the formation of carnivores, the US states of Montana & Idaho & the surface
of Mars, did Alaska form in shape? Was Moses's pentateuch sine qua non the Chicxulub asteroid & time dilation between two points of mass?
#allah <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dallah%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A718529765824734
iV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=RPxTy0qEpywDN8QYXwmv5lpR4p8Xm1dRLhIlEZqlZkQ%3D&reserved=0> #notus <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.li
AEHdz3Ul1PsrXGfGWLJmY4%3D&reserved=0> #chrysler <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dchrysler%26highlightedUpdateUrns%
own%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Jyc3geoPsX5eUtvXpEujDQBOKIOamEXiaMT0ulGDav8%3D&reserved=0> #hitler <https://gcc02.safelinks.pr
Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=RkQwoLu14vD%2BBVX1ou6ZO9fzvoky3azM9MQObsSVo%2B0%3D&reserved=0> #binladen <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashta
3D&reserved=0> #cherokee <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dcherokee%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivi
joiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=hOZVPzk2zYZAeFg8CuAsfHnRvAK%2BTJOuvqaKVETJgUM%3D&reserved=0> #raj <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?ur
rHdqXlInxlXMACAENkUZ3rpfq%2FUJCzjlAqbb8AEJbs%3D&reserved=0> #vietnam <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dvietnam%26hi
#holocaust <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dholocaust%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A71852
Juxtapose the serial killer from Chicago in the mid-to-late-eighteen-hundreds H. H. Holmes's theoretical influence on the formation of Nazi Germany, the New York City urban planner &
civic official over the course of World War One & World War Two Robert Moses when juxtaposed Moses, myself & Jacob from Moses's pentateuch & Adolf Hitler. Were expropriations, from
my memory of the Power Broker by Robert Caro, led by Robert Moses sine qua non or responsible for Nazi Germany?
If the Twin Towers or "World Trade Center" was built in order to be destroyed sine qua non the fulfillment of my politics, why were the Twin Towers constructed? Was Nazi Germany sine
qua non the British Trade Empire Raj as England formed to trade with the United States on account of the First Amendment of the US Constitution when juxtaposed Pharaoh Akhenaten of
Ancient Egypt's theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Ra & the Bible's book of Chronicles & Revelations leaving nothing for the Biblical populations of Europe & the USSR to
eat? Was Nazi Germany sine qua non the eighteen-hundred-one concord between Emperor Napoleon of France & French subjugation of the Vietnamese circa the eighteen hundreds in relation
to the German word for horse pferd? Was French subjugation of the Vietnamese sine qua non the British Trade Empire Raj in India? Was the British Trade Empire Raj in India sine qua non
Moses's pentateuch & the motivation of the Quran's chapter Ya-Sin? Why did India form in shape?
Why did the United States military deploy in regions around the Persian Gulf? If not for the United States military deployment would the Hamas & Hezbollah Organizations not have formed?
If the term Hamassatcom, which I sourced sine qua non my theoretical influence on Montana when Montana is transposed Mantenna & juxtaposed my brain trauma & metallic cranial filament
or replacement, can be transposed Hamassatcommunism, can we theorize the Hamas Organization has formed, sine qua non my life, in the satisfaction of Communism or manufacturing self-sufficiency
in Israel & Islamic Nations as I concurrently petition a Communism third-party in the United States?
Juxtapose the US Pentagon with Moses's pentateuch. Why was the US Pentagon attacked on 09/11/2001? Why have Supreme Court Justices taken oaths on the Bible? Juxtapose George Washington
& his iatrogenic death with Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, the morphology of Australia & the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr when juxtaposed Jesus Christ's theoretical portrayal as the
(Nordic) mythological figure Freyr & the cross promulgated in society when juxtaposed Moses's decalogue. Juxtapose Andrew Jackson's epithet "the Indian killer" with the morphology of
India, dialectics, my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Dionysus when Dionysus is transposed dying-why-sis & the word sister when juxtaposed Moses's pentateuch.
Why, to my memory, did the Hezbollah Organization attack Israel prior to the incitement of the Russian military Operation in Ukraine? Has the Russian military operation in Ukraine been
conducted to accomplish the reformation of the Bible as I theorize was the motive of the creations of Ukraine & the United States & the Biden Administration? If my memory is correct
& the Hezbollah Organization attacked Israel prior to the incitement of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, was the Russian military operation in Ukraine incited sine qua non
the Hezbollah attack on Israel?
Has my life been responsible for the Hezbollah Organization while I am theoretically portrayed as the (Greek) deity Dionysus & incarnate, responsible for or sine qua non the formation
of the Australian continent? Did Socrates, who I theorize is portrayed as the (Egyptian) mythological figure Apophis while I am theoretically portrayed as the (Egyptian) deity Set,
attempt to curse me as a charlatan to "the dialectics below us" which prompted the morphology of the Spanish word diablo & my portrayal as the Devil in the Bible? Did Plato, in an attempt
to deny the nation of Aztlan on account of fear of the brown skin ethnicity, beget my portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible writing on Atlantis?
Did the Hamas premeditate warfare against Israel with the construction of tunnels underneath Gaza in response to Moses's pentateuch & the Bible's book of Revelations? Why did the Gaza
strip form? Why did the Wu state commence warfare against the Chu state as recorded, to my memory, in Sun Tzu's Art of War? Why did Egyptian slavery form? Why did the nation of India
when juxtaposed marijuana, dialectics & Moses's pentateuch form? Why did legislative monogamy in the United States form? Why was the Sistine Chapel named? Why did the US state of Montana
form in name? Did the Wu state commence warfare against the Chu state as humanity attempted to make excuses to do as little as possible on account of the Chicxulub Asteroid?
Has my brain trauma been sine qua non the Chicxulub Asteroid & responsible for Niccolo Machiavelli's namesake evident when Niccolo Machiavelli's last name is transposed make-he-a-valley
& juxtaposed the creation of the United States in specific regard to the city of Missoula, MT, USA? Why was the Quran's chapter Ya-Sin written? As opposed to allowing nature take course,
did Moses, Socrates or Plato contest Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt, subverting Atenism with his decalogue responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Juxtapose Plato's Republic
with my memory of Egyptian law & an English translation of the Quran disallowing witchcraft. Juxtapose Moses's decalogue with Atenism, Jesus Christ's theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian)
deity Osiris, the (Greek) muse Urania when transposed Qurania, the Quran's writing in Arabic, Muhammed's theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Horus, my theoretical portrayal
as the (Egyptian) deity Horus & the (Egyptian) polytheism phrase: "must the book of Horus be read by the Lamp of Osiris?" Have dark skinned ethnicities formed to enact the Bible in
an attempt to force white people capitulate desirable ends; however, can the doing so be likened to attempting to use the Chicxulub asteroid as an excuse not to fulfill anything greater
than self-sufficiency?
#cameallah <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dcameallah%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A7178436
iLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=PrLj4gi%2F4wD%2Ba%2ByYYgXwTLoFY3RimFnT2AyDhiX0Dew%3D&reserved=0> #hairlip <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http
9V%2FxC474ioBcZ4QzjC%2BJ4Eq0CB8Hn9%2BMb1UMORpM%3D&reserved=0> #gemini <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dgemini%26hi
#aten <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Daten%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A717843696185714
iV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=0byAAu5p9JVD9cSh7xol6B4BTYf4ktSAc9OdICLAwb4%3D&reserved=0> #libra <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.li
zLFIBL3FKfLpMbHFcrbilg%3D&reserved=0> #libya <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dlibya%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%
TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=X5zeglD5Gw%2FhY7PKAhuR5chx17HR8nQ3dFqVvPTzLhQ%3D&reserved=0> #lipya <https://gcc02.safelinks.protect
%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=JZqebeeum8kw1eky76qDM2uQ%2FJNV9pfwyo136mf4bkk%3D&reserved=0> #aphrodite <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3F
erved=0> #hera <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fhashtag%2F%3Fkeywords%3Dhera%26highlightedUpdateUrns%3Durn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A7178436
Juxtapose Plato's theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Hephaestus & Empress or Royal Wife Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt's theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Aphrodite with
my memory of Egyptian law code which disallows witchcraft, Plato's Republic in relation to the myth of Er & the Spindle of Necessity, the theory that Moses's pentateuch was sine qua
non Plato's Republic evident by Plato's writing on Atlantis when juxtaposed my theoretical motivation in the fulfillment of the nation of Aztlan & portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible,
Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt & Atenism when juxtaposed the Ontological Distribution Theory, Buddhism & Heliopolis, Egypt.
Why do I theorize Plato has been portrayed as the (Greek) deity Hephaestus while Empress or Royal Wife Nefertiti has been portrayed as the (Greek) deity Aphrodite? Did the word platonic
form as Plato, while portrayed as Hephaestus who is said to have been the spouse of Aphrodite, is arbitrated sine qua non the parietal lobe to live without a spouse on account of the
ethnic ramifications of his Republic which earned Socrates his execution? Can the etymology of Aphrodite be transposed a-Pharaoh-nightie & if so, does Aphrodite's etymology exist as
evidence lending to the theory that Empress or Royal Wife of Ancient Egypt has been portrayed as Aphrodite?
While I live in satisfaction of Atenism sine qua non the former nation of Aztlan evident by my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible & influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation
has Empress or Royal Wife Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt been responsible for the (W. Zodiac) Libra constellation evident by the phrase "just deserts" when juxtaposed Egypt's topography
& evident by Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt's theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Ra when juxtaposed the last two letters of Libra? Juxtapose the nation of Libya when
transposed Lipya with the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer constellations, the nation of Germany when transposed Germ-in-I, the Libra constellation, my theoretical portrayal as Allah in
the Quran & Kamala Harris's name when transposed Came-Allah Hair-Lip. Juxtapose Kamala Harris's theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Hera with Empress or Royal Wife Nefertiti's
theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Aphrodite & my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Dionysus.
#carter #reagan #bush #buckingham #clinton #bush #obama #trump #biden #trump
Did Barack Obama & Donald Trump collude Barack Obama to say "Trump will never be President" prior to Donald Trump's election in two-thousand-sixteen? Was Joe Biden's election in two-thousand-twenty
premeditated as Donald Trump's election in two-thousand-twenty-four has been premediated? Does Joe Biden collude with Vladimir Putin as the Russian military operation in Ukraine has
been colluded to emulate the Russian power of edict in order to prevent Joe Biden's impeachment or to orchestrate premeditated embezzlements from the United States treasury accrued
during the Trump administration as the thirty-five thousand stock market pace of the Trump Administration following the "decimation" of the Obama Administration's stock market crash
in two-thousand-eight was premediated as an attempt to subjugate the United States? Was the two-thousand-eight stock market crash premediated in order to "expropriate" United States's
enterprise in anticipation of the premeditated Trump Administration's stock market pace? Why did the British thespians Daisy Ridley, Charlize Theron, Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill & Lena
Headey secure roles during the Obama & Trump Administrations, why did the Polish Video Game Studio CD Projeckt Red secure opportunities over the course of the Obama, Trump & Biden Administrations
& why has the South African Elon Musk been prominent over the course of the Obama, Trump & Biden Administration? Has the Biden Administration been given orders to regard the Russian
military operation in Ukraine as an invasion in order to associate the Russian military's politics with the Wu state of Sun Tzu's Art of War? Did Vladimir Putin order or contribute
onto the decision for Volodymr Zelensky(y) to be made person of the year? Why did Marc Benioff become the independent owner of Time Magazine? Why does Donald Trump aspire to become
the President again? Juxtapose the United States with the United Kingdom & the nation of Ukraine. Juxtapose the Biden Administration with the Vatican & the United Kingdom. Juxtapose
the Reagen Center for International Development with the Bush Center for Intelligence & the nation of Russia. Consider my theory that Barack Obama was sine qua non my life while the
Biden Administration has been deceived to acculturate a reformation of the Bible in the satisfaction of the creation of the United States with the proselytization of Biblical epistemology
in juxtaposition with the acculturation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Were media roles in the United States expropriated to specifically prevent my arrangement
of a media role for the acculturation of the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" that I share evidence to have been adumbrated or acculturated by the United States dollar bill to fulfill? Juxtapose
my life with the Chicxulub asteroid, the word woman & the Wu & Chu states of now-China.
#set #trump #horus #maga #dialectics #evangelicalism #haillucifer
Is Donald Trump's attempt to become President a psychopathic attempt to interfere in my life & psychology further than the Government already has? Juxtapose my theoretical portrayal
as the (Egyptian) deity Set with trump in pinochle when juxtaposed Donald Trump, the (Egyptian) deity Maga when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set & Evangelicalism
when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible. Are my pecuniary & intimate affairs being colluded against by Donald Trump who I perceive gloat about premeditating
the arrangement of my "cuckold matrimony?" Why was I extrinsically motivated into crime in the year of two-thousand-sixteen?
#decryptocurrency #trickhouse
In reflection of my memory of an article regarding Joe Biden's ninety-million dollar campaign advertisement financing or fundraising: are Presidential advertisement campaigns being used
to launder illegally created money? Why was Elon Musk made person of the year in two-thousand-twenty-one; one year after Joe Biden & Kamala Harris & during the Biden Administration?
Why did Marc Benioff become the independent owner of Time Magazine? Have Joe Biden & Donald Trump colluded the fulfillment of each others reelection in two-thousand-twenty & now again
in two-thousand-twenty-four (in order to embezzle money use in campaign financing)?
#bariatric #geriatric #adhominemfallacy #machiavellidonalds
Was my incarceration for carjacking in two-thousand-sixteen extrinsically motivated on account of a need for a peripatetic leader in response to Donald Trump's bariatrics? Juxtapose
George H. W. Bush, King Charles the Third, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, Xi Jinping & Donald Trump: do senior citizen retirement ages exist for the good of the individual & the entire
constituency? Why did the word retiarius form?
#set #apep
Juxtapose Donald Trump with the morphology of Australia, the (Egyptian) deity Set, Niccolo Machiavelli & the creation of the United States.
#mantenna #evangelicalism #haillucifer #winceitvangogh #winsitvansgone
Update: after approximately four years of my perception, the van mentioned in this post is no longer in the parking lot of the Poverello which I theorize was towed in response to my
Does Matt Rosendale collude the fulfillment of my anal intercourse in the van outside of the Poverello in Missoula, MT, a van I theorize to be the motivation of Evangelicalism's morphology
in https://lnkd.in/gMqXsH_b? Should Matt Rosendale be investigated in relation to my affairs? Should Montana's Senator Steve Daines, whom I remember to have once colluded with the Evangelical
Donald Trump, be investigated in relation to my affairs? https://lnkd.in/g4nHqcy8 leads to an article entitled "Trump Pushes Steve Daines to Succeed McConnell as GOP's Senate Leader."
Why did Evangelicalism form in name? https://lnkd.in/gfYuwq7B petitions Matt Rosendale's investigation. https://lnkd.in/g6WhEnzq petitions the Federal Government investigated for subverting
the US state of Montana evident by the formation of Lake Superior. https://lnkd.in/ghfWrMtz petitions the recall of Greg Gianforte. I have more work that I am prepared to organize petitioning
the investigation & recall of Greg Gianforte: a petition for investigation & recall that I would like an answer to as I perceive myself occasionally victim of cruel persiflage by Greg
#himdu #wilman #truman #wilson #set #apophis
I perceived Harry Truman behave like an ignominious disgrace this morning & would like for the happenstance to be considered evidence in opposition of my petition for the currency to
be reformed to feature his likeness.
Did the US civil war occur sine qua non the implementation of the US currency? Juxtapose “Notes: Lee-Burt-Why” https://lnkd.in/gcbQfmJv, “Notes: Alakazabraham" https://lnkd.in/gNFKETSH
& https://lnkd.in/gBQCz5Ta. Would maintaining Abraham Lincoln's presence within a Governing configuration be retrograde progression from Moses's pentateuch & conducive to the exacerbation
of the phenomenon portrayed on the surface of Mars? Has the Hammurabi legal code been sine qua non Moses's pentateuch evident by the surface of Mars when juxtaposed time dilation between
two points of mass, the Bible & the Chicxulub asteroid? Was the Revolutionary War colluded between the United Kingdom & the United States while the Federation Army during the Cival
War formed as if to truly secede the United States from the United Kingdom?
蹤嫅郮郒;糘촲���യ꯵᪥蔜탅⍇莏ꃳ⑳ᢁ瀒ű蘉堸癗訐㊙褞泘扶ဖ╥룲༸竮栚唺움ᰄ蜝䇈ṍᔯ⨍紤⟕ᡐ䐙⏋袴觫倄肉ஃ굨쀢腱糞輴פּ䪰퓄䙌턓�ꤼ晴닽킃뀜鶨퀻잂秆橚ꐵየ䇐㖚傡ꀻ萰 鸎ﴉﻥ仲찴쀭脑̑灡劰偠Е亿⤌ຠì촄À୩钣䂒쀐쩺썢ݰ슴樃ꉃ妡츸휂Ḭ驨쎓Ŧ恀㘕쩨찍컎ㄆ⸆̂足颸쮐᭦踐丱礈埴✉㙰ڧ懧벍⍆ᜂ⑰ꐆ䄣錅ムぬ᠌嬥脂�ᘽ枧欤国㵋꒨ấ䚉䌫鄓䯫螌駧㨻؆ᬪ뉈踹ﴁ�^ヿ萄㙪甠㺀痢蘲
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