Right-of-Way concerns from Jolene BlauveltJust before Christmas, I received a letter dated December 20, 2023 from Kalispell Public Works Department signed by Alexander Smith, Engineer I. The letter informed me that my chain
link fence located on 14th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues East was encroaching on the City of Kalispell right-of-way.
One of the reasons cited for an immediate removal was the fence had the “potential to compromise public safety.” There was a very adequate path to walk and wasn’t cluttered with trees
or vehicles as is the case with many lots which create a more “potential to compromise public safety.”
In traveling around the streets in this neighborhood there are many properties on which fences encroach on the City of Kalispell right-of-way all of which create more potential safety
issues than this property. So, what was it that put this property on the list to move it’s fence so immediately while at least a dozen neighborhood properties have fences constructed
well into the right-of-way?
Thank you.
Jolene Blauvelt
1340 4th Avenue East