Ethnic Bias Conducive to the Proselytization of Ignorance_Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyI sent an email with the title "Speaks on Sexuality" today which progressed to encourage introspection as to whether Barack Obama's Presidency was healthy for our lives: an email in retrospect of the persecution I just perceived myself to have endured by Barack Obama that I am disappointed to have to remark in apologia on account of the sensual themes of Catholicism. I perceive Barack Obama as a maniac & a jew who I pray for vengeance against & who I theorize is obstructing the Biden Administration's impeachment in an attempt to preserve his legacy. I am choosing to resend the email in the next paragraph without specific mention of the Obama, Trump & Biden Administrations in case my doing so caused you offense, a doing so that I choose to share concurrently with my disbelief in the umbrage & fear that mention my mention of the word transvestite recently engendered. I do mention Joe Biden in the next paragraph who I perceived attempted to persecute me this morning on account of the email I attempted to retract Why did the US emergency number nine-one-one form? Speaks on Sexuality I would like to retract the email I sent inquiring about women's interest in sexual foreplay with my participation as a sexual subordinate: an inquiry which I thought I framed within parameters of communication & consent in order to protect myself from persiflage which; nonetheless, I perceive the source of my persiflage today. Does Joe Biden possess & refer to the email in question today, as I perceive him to disrespect me within psychology: further evidence of his & his administration's interference in my private enterprise & pursuit of happiness? I do not welcome contemplation of my sharing of wealth with a woman: a conversation which would need to occur within tangible channels likely prior to matrimony in the form of a prenuptial agreement. I feel a victim of heinous gender inequity.