Vengeance___Public Comment from Jake Burtosky#retiarius #crocus #moksha
Is the Biden Administration unconstitutional on account of Catholicism & if so, was the John F. Kennedy Administration unconstitutional? If the John F. Kennedy Administration was unconstitutional
should the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts & the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building be proscribed? Why was the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building named?
Juxtapose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building. Juxtapose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building with
George H.W. Bush & the Bush Center for Intelligence. Why was the Bush Center for Intelligence named? Evident by the word retiarius when juxtaposed a popular hymn extolled by King Hammurabi,
Osama Bin Laden & Islam or when transposed red-terrorist or retire-us, should the Bush Center for Intelligence be proscribed? Why did Ronald Reagan choose George Bush as his vice president?
Why did George Bush become the President after the Reagan Administration concluded? Juxtapose Jimmy Carter with Jesus Christ. Why did Ronald Reagan become President? Why was the Reagan
Center for International Development named? Juxtapose the Reagan Center for International Development with the Bush Center for Intelligence & the nation of Russia. Juxtapose the Biden
Administration & the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building with the Vatican. Juxtapose the United States with the United Kingdom & the nation of Ukraine. Juxtapose the pyramids
on the US dollar bill with Gaza & Egypt.
#odoctor #lamarkcism #hammurabi #mars
Juxtapose Catholicism with my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible & the morphology of Alaska. Do parties or factions led by people of black or brown skin ethnicity aim to enact
the Bible to demand white people capitulate desirable ends? Why did India form in shape? Why has Nicole Shanahan become the Vice President candidate for Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Presidential
campaign? Why was Joe Biden the Vice President of the Obama Administration? Why did the Holocaust occur? Catholicism: the proselytization of the epistemology written in exploitation
of rhinoceros & prey's fear of carnivores responsible for the morphology of Australia, the creation of the United States & Biden Administration for the acculturation of Catholicism
within the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to prompt my petition for the Bible's reformation?
#montainos #yasin #saraswati #mantenna #zapata
Does Robert F. Kennedy run for the office of the US Presidency as a premeditated & colluded act of defiance or persiflage in response to my petition for the Biden Administration impeached
for attempting to establish Biblical religion as a foundation for democracy with the sensual proselytization of Catholicism? Juxtapose the ex-wife of Sergey Brin & the would-be Vice
President of the Robert F. Kennedy Administration Nicole Shanahan with Sergey Brin, the Quran's chapter Ya-Sin & the morphology of India when juxtaposed Moses's pentateuch, the morphology
of Australia & Catholicism.
I encourage Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Word Builder read with a dialectic admonishment:
theocracy (1) Government by officials who are regarded as divinely inspired. (2) A state governed by a theocracy. • The ancient Aztecs lived in a theocracy in which guidance came directly
from the gods through the priests. In the Middle Ages, the Muslim empires stretching around much of the Mediterranean were theocracies, and the pope ruled most of modern-day Italy.
But theocracies are rare today. Modern Iran and Saudi Arabia (and perhaps half a dozen others) are usually regarded as theocratic governments, since, even though Iran's president is
elected by popular vote and Saudi Arabia is ruled by a royal family, the countries' laws are religious laws. But when a government tries to follow all the teachings of a single religion,
things usually don't work out terribly well, so U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights forbid using religion as the principal basis for democracy.