Juxtapose the Word Recess Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky@outlook.com>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 12:02 PM
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Subject: EXTERNAL Juxtapose the Word Recess with the (W. Zodiac) Pisces, Libra, Aries &
Taurus Constellations
Attachments: Notes 10 30 I) Deva.docx
[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you
know the content is safe.]
#precession #tsjw Aldeva
Why did recess form? The approximate day before yesterday I perceived myself engaged in the psychology of children at
play during recess at a school across from a church of my childhood attendance while feeling persecuted following my
running across a crosswalk in an attempt to cross the street before the walk signal chained & subsequent recital of the
(explicit) Dead Wrong by the Notorious BIG. I didn't think anyone would hear my recital of the (explicit) Dead Wrong. I
theorize the word recess formed sine qua non my perceived psychology with a school's recess on the approximate date of
February 29th, 2024 or March 1 st, 2024 at approximate time of 12:30 PM & my writing on precession at
https:��Inkd.In�r�N ey Ji71EQ.
tbne ative #set #booth #strawberry #bond #asteriods #hesat #jackbaker
I perceive myself harassed for the title of my "Notes" Untermensch Juden Mein Leben" sine qua non my petition for
the investigation of Justin Bieber found internally. I've perceived myself cruelly harassed by Justin Bieber over the
years who's name I theorize has been sine qua non myself. Justin Bieber may benefit from denying my allegations or
attempting to explain the nature of his engagement in my psychology; otherwise, I would like to retract the title of
"Notes: Untermensch Juden Mein Leben" & not my petition for Justin Bieber to be investigated.
Should Marc Benioff be investigated in relation to my affairs? Juxtapose myself with Jeff Bezos, Justin Bieber & Joe
#asteriods #steriods #asterion #ttcf #strawberry #samarium
Juxtapose Barry Bonds, Lebron James, James Bond & my incarceration in Twin Towers Correctional Facilities. Should
Lebron James be investigated for performance enhancing narcotics usage? Juxtapose Lebron James when his name
is transposed Lebronze Jake's with the (PTE) elements copper & tin which compose of the alloy bronze & my
theoretical influence on the formation of the Olympics. I petition the Olympics renamed "the Pantheon Games." Why
did Lebron James choose to play for the USA Olympic Team?
Juxtapose the Pentateuch, Lamarckism & the King James Edition of the Bible with myself, Kendrick Lamar & Lebron
James. Juxtapose myself, Niccolo Machiavelli & Lebron James. Juxtapose the (Greek) deity Demeter with Empress
Agrippina of Ancient Rome & the Chicxulub Asteroid. Juxtapose the Donetsk People's Republic or Donetsk, Ukraine
with Cesare Borgia, polygamy & performance enhancing narcotic usage. Why am I persecuted? Why did the image
or impression featured in the appended photo on the surface of Mercury form?
Juxtapose Lebron James with the (W. Zodiac or Horoscope) Libra constellation. Juxtapose Dirk Nowitzki with the
(Babylonian) deity Marduk, the US state of Idaho, Lebron James, myself & the Nazi Lebensborn project. Juxtapose
the Nazi-SS-Totenkopfverbande with steroids, professional sports & the Twin Towers Correctional Facilities in Los
#elcid #diablos #mantenna #zapata
Juxtapose Herman Webster Mudget with the Spanish term con permissio, the term for Mexican -American Chicano, the
city of Chicago, IL, USA, crows, murder & the Crow tribe. Juxtapose Illinois when abbreviated IL with Niccolo Machiavelli,
mysel & King Hammurabi of Ancient Babylon.
#odoctor #heliopolis #gemini #atenism #pantheism
Juxtapose Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt with the Ontological Distribution Theory, Heliopolis, Egypt, the (W.
Zodiac) Gemini constellation, the former nation of Aztlan, the "lake of fire" from the Bible's book of Revelations, Niccolo
Machiavelli when his last name is transposed make -he -a -valley, Montana when transposed M-antenna & Atenism.
Did Australia form in shape sine qua non a desire to succeed without taking the action which success requires?
#mepury #gemini #purtosky #dialectics #diamond #cancer #leosophicat
Juxtapose the purring of cats with the existence & formation of diamond & perception.
#endothelium #hippocratic #dharma #oneseventyfive #ottodieci
I am the man with brain trauma responsible for the United States: I do not care to be stereotyped a cross -dresser or a
sexual subordinate.
#aries #pisces
Juxtapose the (W. Zodiac) Pisces & Aries constellations with precession.
#meinleben #mantenna #butteha
Juxtapose the x & y chromosomes with precession, the German term mien leben, the Pentateuch, the (PTE) element
hafnium & the formation of the mine of Butte, MT, USA.
#libra #aries #taurus #venus #almonte #nuremburg
Evident, to my memory, by the order of operations in which a judge sustains objections made by defendants in the court
room, is criminal sentencing a service provided to defendants sentenced?
#heilbaldr #makeheavalley #authalia #italy #lebensborn #gemini #cancer
I'd like to study the Italian language. I find my psychology often distorted. I theorize that the world's languages have been
ad hoc or de facto in the establishment of a multi -cultural consensus for the establishment & maintenance of intrinsic
psychology & that my learning of the languages I share evidence to have been an influence on is not essential. Juxtapose
Lamarckism with prose lytization, the English Reform, the English language, the King James Edition of the Bible,
Buckingham Palace, India when transposed indialectics & the morphology of Australia. I find the manner in which I am
treated as disgraceful & theorize I should have been celebrated as if to be nurtured to learn more of the world instead of
persecuted in the manner that I have been.