Vengeance... Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 5:07 PM To: Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au; chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; Steve Ballmer; Jeff@amazon.com; info@olympic.ru; office @olympic.ru; press@veb.ru; info@veb.ru; cs@mc.gov.sa; feedback@sis.gov.eg; letters@time.com; Playboy Support; ivory4uentertainment@gmail.com; Eliza beth.kuhl13@gmail.com; Ben Silverman; Danielbenhurd@gmail.com; Justine Burtosky; info@thepoverellocenter.org; bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; brittanysp@cctcsp.org; hankc@cskt.org; sishorn@ftbelknap.org; jerlthompson@standingrock.org; alisonjohnson@mhanation.com; debi.condon.csp@colvilletribes.com; Ralph C. Jefferson; KLevinson@Nooksack-nsn.gov; mtran@pgst.nsn.us; mary.squally@puyalluptribe-nsn.gov; gjames@quinault.org; Igreen@suquamish.nsn.us; rreeves@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov; fazure@fortpecktribes.net; council@cskt.org; cookiesmissoula001 @gmail.com; alternativewellness.nwmt@gmail.com; trichomevalley406@gmail.com; missoula@ 710montana.com; silverleafmissoula@gmail.com; alecj@bigskybuds.com; missoula@collectiveelevation.com; rchristensen@bsb.mt.gov; Sherrie Walsh; OfficeoftheProvost@umontana.edu; thepresident@umontana.edu; paul.lasiter@umontana.edu; alumni@umontana.edu; eoaa@mso.umt.edu; ithelpdesk@umontana.edu; news@umontana.edu; vpr@umontana.edu; logan.parker@umontana.edu; slavenl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; ejonkel@missoulapubliclibrary.org; amandaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; (wood@missoulapubliclibrary.org; wes@missoulapubliclibrary.org; kolson@missoulapubliclibrary.org; crystalk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; svelk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; selyaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; Mary Wooldridge; AIIenS@missoulapubliclibrary.org; edwardl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; taylorm@missoulapubliclibrary.org; joshuad@missoulapubliclibrary.org; mayorstaff@ci.missoula.mt.us; tlwagner@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- News@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI-Sports@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- Weather@sbgtv.com; whmiller@sbgtv.com; comments@sbgi.net; advertising@sbgtv.com; newstips@kxlf.com; info@bethsoft.com; gaben@valvesoftware.com; media@gatesfoundation.org; unhousedneighborsunion@gmail.com; newsed@dailyinterlake.com; edit@dailyinterlake.com; obits@dailyinterlake.com; thisweek@dailyinterlake.com; community@dailyinterlake.com; dperkins@dailyinterlake.com; hdesch@dailyinterlake.com; hmatheson@dailyinterlake.com; tinman@dailyinterlake.com; jweber@dailyinterlake.com; kheston@dailyinterlake.com; szalesky@dailyinterlake.com; aray@dailyinterlake.com; fneighbor@dailyinterlake.com; jdugan@dailyinterlake.com; ckreider@dailyinterlake.com; circ@dailyinterlake.com; kfuller@dailyinterlake.com; classifieds@dailyinterlake.com; scarlon@dailyinterlake.com; jmoore@dailyinterlake.com; kbaker@dailyinterlake.com; zbedford@dailyinterlake.com; dfroelich@dailyinterlake.com; arobinson@hungryhorsenews.com; jtullos@whitefishpilot.com; klundgren@dailyinterlake.com; mrivera@dailyinterlake.com; rrooney@dailyinterlake.com; kreilly@dailyinterlake.com; dtreweek@dailyinterlake.com; skirby@dailyinterlake.com; tpritchard@dailyinterlake.com; airport; Johnna Preble; To: rcorcoran@kalispell.com; Tyson Parman; Aimee Brunckhorst; Judi Funk; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment; Doug Russell; Doug Russell; Carrie Jones; Michelle Turner; Michelle Turner; Dan Pearce; Cec Lee; jkinzer@kalispell.com; Personnel; BreAnn Hanson; Jolene Shima; Fred Bicha; Chad Fincher; Paul Reinhardt; Parks and Rec; Cody Banal; Liz Sullivan; Cory Clarke; Chad Fetveit; Jordan Venezio; Ryan Bartholomew; Ben Sutton; Jana Purdy; Matthew Carlenzoli; Keith Haskins; Patrick Jentz; Margarite Juarez Thomas; Terri Loudermilk; Joe Schrader; Alexander Smith; Steve Varro; Ryan Votapka; Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; Del Phipps Subject: EXTERNAL Vengeance... Attachments: jlb.png; jldjpg [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] #evangelicalism #wincent #vangogh #set #wincent #set #mary I perceive myself sexually harassed by the prospect of intercourse in a dilapidated van outside of the downtown Poverello in Missoula, MT, USA & would like to report the incident. I perceive Vincent van Gogh, who I theorize formed as result of this van, as a megalomaniac whom I petition skepticized as result. Juxtapose rhetorical, mimetic & expressive art as I remember to have read from the Critical Tradition by David Richter with Vincent van Gogh. I remember this van to have not moved for years & to have flat tires. I fear this van to be the source of evangelicalism; thus, theoretically my persecution as if to force me to participate in anal intercourse internally sine qua non the acculturation of my discrimination as the devil or Lucifer in society. Why was the curse of Lucifer written? Why did Evangelicalism form? Juxtapose Micheal Foucault with Niccolo Machiavelli & the (Nordic) mythological figure Baldr. Juxtapose Marc Antony, Cleopatra, the former nation of Rome, the Chu state- of now -China, the Pentateuch, the German word schwester & land west of the Louisiana Purchase in Northern America. #amt #mantenna https://www. msn.com/en-us/news/politics/montana-rep-rosendale-drops-us-house-reelection-bid-citing-rumors-and-death- threat/ar-BB 1jzCFt?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=ea472205d3ee460180e8087b3c8d84a2&ei=13 Does Matt Rosendale collude the fulfillment of my anal intercourse in the van outside of the Poverello in Missoula, MT? Should Matt Rosendale be investigated in relation to my affairs? Should Montana's Senator Steve Daines, whom I remember to have once colluded with the Evangelical Donald Trump, be investigated in relation to my affairs? https://Inkd.in/g4nHgcy8 leads to an article entitled "Trump Pushes Steve Daines to Succeed McConnell as GOP's Senate Leader." Why did Evangelicalism form in name? https://Inkd.in/gfYuwg7B petitions Matt Rosendale's investigation. I invite you to follow the second link in the above paragraph if you have a membership with Linkedln. #qld #barometer #knotsy #saturn Juxtapose my annotation in a majority black congregation in Pittsburgh, PN, USA with St. Vincent St. Mary's High School when transposed Set Wincent Set Mary's, Lebron James when juxtaposed myself & the King James Edition of the Bible, Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ, my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set when juxtaposed Jesus's theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Osiris, the (Greek) muse Melpomene & "the women with red -hair on Time Magazine." Why was the curse of Lucifer written in the Bible? Juxtapose James Ashley, the man responsible for the naming of the US state of Montana, with Lebron James's high school when transposed "Set Wincent, Set Mary" & "the woman with red -hair on Time Magazine who I petition investigated." hops://inkd.in/ KESE fE speaks more on Lebron James's relativity to "the woman with red -hair on Time Magazine" who I petition investigated. #machiavellidonalds #setcheh Is Donald Trump's attempt to become President a psychopathic attempt to interfere in my life & psychology further than he & the Government already has? Juxtapose my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set with trump in pinochle when juxtaposed Donald Trump, the (Egyptian) deity Maga when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set & Evangelicalism when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible. Are my pecuniary & intimate affairs being colluded fulfilled by Donald Trump? Why was I extrinsically motivated into crime in the year of two -thousand - sixteen?