Sqrw-nh, Uchuthis. Indicawicannibal.Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky2@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 4:52 PM
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Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; Del Phipps; amygregoire68@gmail.com
Subject: EXTERNAL Sqrw-nh, Uchuthis. Indicawicannibal.
Attachments: jlb.png;jldjpg; Darm-I-Sargjpeg; El Lion.png; Gou Long.png; Mot Hamas Hera-isjpg
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#xin #arsenic #oganesson #jlb #jld #taurus #gemini #cancan #dharma #purtosky
Juxtapose Jeffry Dahmer's name when transposed as Jeffry Dom -her with Jeff Bezos & my step -father
Jeffry Gregoire. Should Jeff Bezos be investigated in relation to my affairs? Juxtapose Jeff Bezos, my step-
father & former US President Thomas Jefferson with my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) mythological
figure Heracles & (Greek) mythology of Heracles & the Augean Stable when juxtaposed Amazon & the
lawsuit recently filed by a number of US states against Amazon.
#darmeh #dourmore #setourdir
Should Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer live with a sense of vindication that his murders were committed in
satisfaction of natural order? Was the nation of El Salvador sine qua non Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer & the
Incan Civilizations? Juxtapose the Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer's name when transposed "El Lion" with the
Spanish language, El Salvador & the Incan & Aztec Civilizations. Why did the Aztec once skin &
cannibalize ceremoniously? Was Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer sine qua non my life evident by his initials when
spelled lowercase &juxtaposed my own? Was the French term setourdir sine qua non Niccolo
Machiavelli's quote "think like foxes to detect traps, think like lions to scare away foxes, those who think
just as lions are stupid," the (W. Zodiac) Aries & Taurus constellations," the mythological figure Satan,
the (Egyptian) deity Set & Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer?
#borgia #longdon #schutzstaffel
I've experienced moral compunction about Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer who I theorize has been sine qua non
my life as I've been theoretically responsible for the English, Spanish, Italian, German & French words
woman, hermana, donna, schwester & madmoiselle. I theorize Mr. Dahmer committed murder,
cannibalism & necrophilia in protest of Biblical epistemology in advocacy of women leadership
specifically in matters of dominatrix foreplay. Does the Pentateuch, which I theorize to promote a false
theory of men as the origin of the genders, impose on women's psychology?
#mantenna #donetsk #access #aries #axis #tsk
On the hashtags: as World War Two commenced in criticism of the Bible sine qua non the shape of
Ukraine did the Axis become labeled sine qua non the political incentivization of death as a desirable
outcome? Why was Donetsk, Ukraine named?
From Wikipedia:
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (/'da:mor/; May 21, 1960— November 28, 1994), was an American serial killer and
sex offender who killed and dismembered seventeen males between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later
murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts —typically all
or part of the skeleton.
He was convicted of fifteen of the sixteen homicides he had committed in Wisconsin and was sentenced
to fifteen terms of life imprisonment on February 17, 1992.
On November 28, 1994, Dahmer was beaten to death by Christopher Scarver, a fellow inmate at the
Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wisconsin.
#precession #precious #farbend #madhyamaka
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Why do police officer sergeants form? I am being & have been tortured within psychology for years. I want
change. Why do sergeants in war form? Why did the term surcharge form? Juxtapose the terms
surcharge, binary, duality & general with the (W. Zodiac) Pisces, Aries, Taurus & Gemini constellations as
the term surcharge is transposed sir -charge, the term binary is transposed be-an-Arie or be -an -Aries, the
term duality is transposed duel -reality &juxtaposed Niccolo Machiavelli's sword play, the (W. Zodiac)
Pisces & Gemini constellations, whales, the morphology of Australia & the (W. Zodiac) Cancer & Leo
constellations & the term general is juxtaposed the terms gem & mineral.
7168003818293514240-90U5?utm source=share&utm medium=member desktop