Juxtapose Jake Laurence Burtosky with FVCC Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 5:05 PM
To: info@fvcc.edu; Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au;
chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; Steve
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info@veb.ru; cs@mc.gov.sa; feedback@sis.gov.eg; letters@time.com; Playboy
Support; ivory4uentertainment@gmail.com; Eliza beth.kuhl13@gmail.com; Ben
Silverman; Danielbenhurd@gmail.com; Justine Burtosky; info@thepoverellocenter.org;
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To: rcorcoran@kalispell.com; Tyson Parman; Aimee Brunckhorst; Judi Funk; Kalispell
Meetings Public Comment; Doug Russell; Doug Russell; Carrie Jones; Michelle Turner;
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Thomas; Terri Loudermilk; Joe Schrader; Alexander Smith; Steve Varro; Ryan Votapka;
Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; Del Phipps
Subject: EXTERNAL Juxtapose Jake Laurence Burtosky with the Flathead Valley Community
College in Kalispell, MT, USA
Jake Burtosky I Linkedln
Jake Burtosky's Profile I Muck Rack
On the subject. Juxtapose the (W. Zodiac) Taurus Niccolo Machiavelli's last name when transposed
make -he -a -valley with my theoretical influence on the Flathead tribe sine qua non infantile brain trauma,
the (W. Zodiac) Cancer constellation when juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac)
Gemini constellation & community colleges & my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set when
juxtaposed the SET & CC functions on steering wheels & community colleges. Juxtapose the (Greek)
deity Ares with Native Reservations in the United States, the (mature) Resident Evil Series, Niccolo
Machiavelli, Pisa, Italy, the (W. Zodiac) Taurus constellation, duality when transposed duel -reality & the
RES functions on steering wheels.
I theorize I am influencing the composition of "Land of Confusion" by Genesis at approximately 4:40 PM
3/15/2024 & I've shared my theoretical influence on other songs which have played since I've been in the
recreational area at the Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell, MT, USA on my portfolio.
#mot #mascot #mother #mightnh
I am thinking about going to the hospital today to attempt secure aid for my brain trauma. I don't like
living like this. My condition is malicious. I theorized my life responsible for the number Pi yesterday sine
qua non my attendance at the Flathead Valley Community College on the day that just so happened to
be Pi day. The FVCC Broussard Building has a mural featuring the number Pi which prompted me to
theorize my life responsible for the number Pi (on Pi day). Was the number Pi sine qua non my malicious
condition which I fear to be terminal?
Update: I went to the hospital emergency room & was treated not for the physical condition which is my
brain trauma in which I asked to be treated; rather, for history of schizophrenia which motivated my
placement in an observance room. I did not leave satisfied.
#indicanibus #moziart #fvcc #campus #campon #university #theosophical
I theorize I was responsible for the song Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix upon walking into the Flathead
Valley Community College Student Recreational Area today. I once attended Flathead Valley Community
College & often ruminated about my marijuana smoking & behavior in Kalispell's society theoretically
responsible for the lyrics from Purple Haze "acting funny & I don't know why;" however, I theorize I have
been depressed my entire life on account of my brain trauma while my behavior in society was
acculturated sine qua non Karl Marx's Das Kapital & promotion of the proletariat. I once drove a silver
Honda Civic. Juxtapose civic deportment with the (PTE) element silver, my former occupation as a server
or waiter & my theoretical influence on the morphology of the (French) term le maitre. Has my life been
responsible for the word water? Juxtapose my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini
constellation, the (PTE) element hydrogen & the words water & waiter.
The FVCC Student Recreational Area plays music with lyrics out loud. Do you think that is a positive
feature? "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leopard is playing right now. There is a comfortable library that
does not play music in the Broussard Building.
#deinbenphu #taoteching#logarithm #loganhealth
Did Logan Health in Kalispell, MT, USA form sine qua non my petition for Russia to change to a blue,
white & green color scheme &/or my post led with the hashtags #karamazov, #trotsky, #pushilin,
#taoteching, #iditarod, #mush, #gou & #long featured on my portfolio? Juxtapose Dein Bein Phu, Vietnam
with red, white & blue color schemes, blue, white & green color schemes, the (Egyptian) deity Set & the
city of Seattle, WA, USA. I theorize Logan Health changed from the name of the Kalispell Regional
Medical Center sine qua non my defiance of the Biden Administration.
#grinwell #willburtosky #montana #caveyouto #fox #cavuto
Juxtapose myself with Grinnell Peak & Mt. Wilbur in Glacier National Park. I theorize Grinnell Peak formed
in name sine qua non my indecisiveness to smile today 2/26/2024 on account of tooth pain: the same
day that I refreshed my writing entitled "To the Federal Bureau" which petitions Logan Health
investigated. If Mt. Grinnell formed sine qua non the name change of the Summit to the Logan Fitness
Center then can we theorize the Summit changed in name sine qua non politics associated with my
teeth? I petition the Biden Administration impeached as result of the impairment I've theoretically
endured on account of the Biden Administration's politics while I share evidence to be incarnate the
Australian continent. Juxtapose the morphology of the QLD region of Australia, the Prince Cadmus
dragon's teeth myth when juxtaposed the formation of the University of Montana, Phoenicia & Boeotia,
Thebes, the Morman church when juxtaposed the term lessman, Lamarckism, proselytization & the term
layman which I remember to be used by the Catholic Church & my petition for the Biden Administration
impeached. I theorize Grinnell Peak formed in shape sine qua non my petition for Logan Fitness Center in
Kalispell, MT, USA, formerly named the Summit, to be investigated. When I think of Logan Fitness Center
I think of the line from the (explicit) Holiday by Green Day: "a gag, a price stick tag on a monument."
#dionysus #dialectics
Juxtapose warfare, polygamy & agriculture.
Juxtapose the (Greek) deity Dionysus, Moses, the Chicxulub Asteroid, Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient
Egypt, Aztlan, Niccolo Machiavelli, the (Greek) deities Ares & Apollo, Buddhism, the Ontological
Distribution Theory, Heliopolis, Egypt, Jesus, the (Egyptian) deity Osiris & the chapter John 3:16 from the
Bible written, to my knowledge, by the author of the Bible's book of Revelations. Why, when juxtaposed
the (Egyptian) deities Ra & Osiris, were rhinoceros named & did Africa form in shape? Why, when
juxtaposed the (German) word schwester, Egypt, the Qlipse-Salish tribes, land west of the Louisiana
Purchase, the (W. Zodiac) Gemini, Cancer & Leo constellations & Atenism, was the Bible's book of
Revelations written? Why is Christmas in the winter? Why did the QLD region of Australia form? Why did
Rome form? Why did Aztlan form? Why did the Aztec skin & cannibalize? Why was the United States
created? Why, when juxtaposed my last name, have I been theoretically portrayed as Lucifer in the Bible?
Why was Jesus crucified? Juxtapose the Salvation Army, where I am presently eating lunch, with the
(Egyptian) deity Set.
Juxtapose King Tutankhamun & Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt with the Amenhotep lineage of
Egypt. Why is Amen said at the end of the Lord's Prayer? Why did King Tutankhamun die at the age of
nineteen? Juxtapose King Tutankhamun of Ancient Egypt with the Hamas attack on Israel, (Egyptian)
mythology concerning the deities Set, Osiris & Horus & the Israeli grain trade, the United Kingdom grain
trade & the Ukrainian grain trade when juxtaposed the (Roman) deity Mercury, the planet of Mercury &
the (PTE) element mercury.
#putrid #rancid #set #apophis
Should Prince William & his spouse be investigated in relation to my affairs? Should Jill Biden be
investigated in relation to my affairs? Should Marc Benioff be investigated in relation to my affairs? I
believe to have heard Vladimir Putin a "shoe -in" for Russia's presidency on the news this morning. Does
the senior citizen retirement age exist for the good of the individual as it does for the entire constituency?
Do Joe Biden & Donald Trump vie for the US Presidency sine qua non Vladmir Putin's age & psychology?
Do Joe Biden, King Charles the Third, George H. W. & Vladimir Putin collude sine qua non the naming of
the Bush Center for Intelligence & Reagan Center for International Development in reflection of George
Bush & Ronald Reagan's Presidencies when juxtaposed the nation of Russia? Juxtapose the United
Kingdom with the nation of Ukraine. Juxtapose the Biden Administration with the Vatican. Juxtapose the
Reagan Center for International Development, the Bush Center for Intelligence, George Bush & Ronald
Reagan when juxtaposed the nation of Russia & the Kremlin. Does Joe Biden aim to exploit the credulous
with the proselytization of Biblical ignorance on account of his elderly visage? Juxtapose Dennis Pushilin
of the Donetsk People's Republic or Donetsk region of Ukraine with Dennis Washington when juxtaposed
Lake Superior, the US state of Montana & Washington DC. Should Dennis Washington be investigated in
relation to my affairs?