Trigonometry: Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 7:56 PM To: bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; media@gatesfoundation.org; unhousedneighborsunion@gmail.com; newsed@dailyinterlake.com; edit@dailyinterlake.com; obits@dailyinterlake.com; thisweek@dailyinterlake.com; community@dailyinterlake.com; dperkins@dailyinterlake.com; hdesch@dailyinterlake.com; hmatheson@dailyinterlake.com; tinman@dailyinterlake.com; jweber@dailyinterlake.com; kheston@dailyinterlake.com; szalesky@dailyinterlake.com; aray@dailyinterlake.com; fneighbor@dailyinterlake.com; jdugan@dailyinterlake.com; ckreider@dailyinterlake.com; circ@dailyinterlake.com; kfuller@dailyinterlake.com; classifieds@dailyinterlake.com; scarlon@dailyinterlake.com; jmoore@dailyinterlake.com; kbaker@dailyinterlake.com; zbedford@dailyinterlake.com; dfroelich@dailyinterlake.com; arobinson@hungryhorsenews.com; jtullos@whitefishpilot.com; klundgren@dailyinterlake.com; mrivera@dailyinterlake.com; rrooney@dailyinterlake.com; kreilly@dailyinterlake.com; dtreweek@dailyinterlake.com; skirby@dailyinterlake.com; tpritchard@dailyinterlake.com; airport; Johnna Preble; rcorcoran@kalispell.com; Tyson Parman; Aimee Brunckhorst; Judi Funk; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment; Doug Russell; Doug Russell; Carrie Jones; Michelle Turner; Michelle Turner; Dan Pearce; Cec Lee; jkinzer@kalispell.com; Personnel; BreAnn Hanson; Jolene Shima; Fred Bicha; Chad Fincher; Paul Reinhardt; Parks and Rec; Cody Banal; Liz Sullivan; Cory Clarke; Chad Fetveit; Jordan Venezio; Ryan Bartholomew; Ben Sutton; Jana Purdy; Matthew Carlenzoli; Keith Haskins; Patrick Jentz; Margarite Juarez Thomas; Terri Loudermilk; Joe Schrader; Alexander Smith; Steve Varro; Ryan Votapka; Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; Del Phipps Subject: EXTERNAL Trigonometry: Trigger-Yes-or-No-Metry? Attachments: Youknowtinehjpg [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] #set #tangent #brahmin #maitreya #sine #gemini #cosine #libra #aten Juxtapose the number Pi with my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set, set theory mathematics, sine & cosine trigonometry when juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the formation of the Zodiac & tangent trigonometry when juxtaposed the (Hindu) Brahmin class. Juxtapose the (Hindu) Brahmin class with the nation of Brazil & the US state of Nebraska & Alaska. Juxtapose trigonometry with ethnicity, arbitration & pistols. I theorize Arbys restaurantjust formed while the term arbitration, evident when the term arbitrator is transposed RB-traitor, formed sine qua non my politics with my father Randy Burtosky. Juxtapose arbitration with Bitcoin, the words sphere & orbit & my theoretical influence on Cryptocurrency & SpaceX as shared in (postmodern/dialectic admonishment) "Notes: Chupac Stupor." #metal sics #logarithim Would the United States benefit from the appropriation of laboratories whose employees conduct metaphysical record of observations? Juxtapose epistemology & ontology: is the practice of metaphysics a civic virtue? Are metaphysics measurements of microbial entropy as if at a state of uniform regularity or are metaphysics an attempt to define perception once measurements of microbial entropy as if at a state of uniform regularity are established? Metaphysics means "beyond physics." The world's most powerful microscope can magnify further than the world's most powerful telescope. How would what exists beyond physics be understood without a comprehensive record of what is physically observable? Do even observations in a solid state exist at a state of entropy; thus, with a metaphysical motivation? Does record of microbial entropy potentially motivate an observation's formation? Why practice logarithms? Do logarithms record pattern of change in microbial formation in which the record of occurs with the practice of metaphysics in prevention of superfluous record? Why is microbial observation possible: tachyons, which in https://Inkd.in/djcW4dWJ I theorize are expressive of the motivation of speed of light? Is perception observed at the speed of light? What, if anything, motivates perception? Juxtapose the formation of Alaska with the (Greek) muse Thalia, the (PTE) element thallium, sugar, refinement, excrescence & metaphysics. (Jake) Laurence Burkeley? https://Inkd.in/dGKw idFz #wales # ip sces #washington #ilpinchipe #arabic #crabic #cancer #gemini #��i Juxtapose the (explicit) "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by The Smashing Pumpkins & specifically the lines "I still believe that I cannot be saved" & "then someone will say, what is lost can never be saved" with my theoretical influence on the number Pi, my brain trauma which has theoretically been responsible for Niccolo Machiavelli's 11 Principe & the shaping of the northwest of the US state of Washington, malignant injuries, terminal conditions & dialectics. Juxtapose the number Pi with the (W. Zodiac) Pisces & Gemini constellations, duality when transposed duel -reality &juxtaposed Niccolo Machiavelli born of the (W. Zodiac) Taurus ascendency's sword -play, the (W. Zodiac) Cancer constellation when juxtaposed crabs, Niccolo Machiavelli's name when transposed make -he -a -valley & Niccolo Machiavelli's 11 Principe when transposed 11 Pinchipe. Should the US state of Washington be renamed & if so, why? Could the US state of Washington be renamed Shoshone? #lebronzejakes #cabron #setcheh #carbon #youknowtinha #gou #gold Have I been criminally repudiated & if so, why? As I share evidence to be responsible for the knot formation on Jupiter, the formation of the shape of the US state of California & Nazi Germany while being portrayed as Lucifer in the Bible is ignoring my application an act of criminal negligence & malpractice? Does Lebron James premeditate giving me a fifth of his wealth sine qua non the Quran? Would Lebron James would not have become as wealthy if not for his promise to give me a fifth of his wealth? Would professional sports players not become as wealthy if not for Lebron James's promise to give me a fifth of his wealth? Does Joe Biden proselytize the Bible with Catholicism? Why did Joe Biden become President? Juxtapose Joe Biden's last name when transposed bi-den or bye -den with the "trick -house" in Cupertino, CA, USA I petition investigated when juxtaposed Lebron James & the (PTE) elements copper & tin which compose of the alloy bronze. #israhe #cameallah #hera #hebron #heron #set #horus #maga #dialectics Juxtapose Hebron, Palestine with the former nation of Aztlan as "the Land of Heron" & my petition for Lebron James to be investigated for attempting to establish religion as a foundation for democracy throughout his playing career sine qua non his relativity to the King James Edition of the Bible which features my theoretical portrayal as the antagonist Lucifer. Has Lebron James been sine qua non my life evident when his name is transposed LeBronze Jakes? I fear Lebron James has attempted to take my place in the Nazi Lebensborn project & now equivocates advocacy of Nazi Germany on account of moral scruples & ethnicity. I theorize Lebron James has been responsible for the writing of the King James Edition of the Bible & has been responsible for the Biden Administration & the incitement of the Russian military operation in Ukraine in attempt to preclude my investiture as to benefit from the acculturation of God in my place. Juxtapose Lebron James with the Donetsk People's Republic or region of Ukraine, the naming of the dons of Cambridge & Oxford Universities in England, London, England, the Nazi Lebensborn project, my theoretical influence on the morphologies of Germany & Nazi Germany, https://Inkd.in/ iBFabyaT & dialectics. #gestapo #gestapo ##marduk #moredirk #iohansson #hitler #hannover The following is an excerpt from https://Inkd.in/cicdun5sT:juxtapose the Yellowstone Caldera, the Phoneutria genus of spider, Wilmot Collins, Colin Jost, the (explicit) Who Shot Ya & Hit Em Up by Tupac Shakur & Christopher Wallace, the COVID, the disease typhus when juxtaposed Mt. Olympus in Greece & the naming of the Olympics, Scarlett Johansson when her last name is transposed your -hand -son, former German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Hannover, Germany, the Nazi Gestapo when transposed Gestabo & my theoretical portrayal as the (Babylonian) deity Marduk when transposed More -dirk &juxtaposed Dirk Nowitzki, deputies & Lebron James when juxtaposed Atenism & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Libra constellations & when his name is transposed Lebronze Jake's &juxtaposed the (PTE) elements copper & tin which compose of bronze. #burtosky #fvcc #poleice #arctic #setina #mantenna #hamassatcom This song was playing in the FVCC Student Recreational Area at 4:52 PM on 3/15/2024. https://youtu.be/MbXWrmQW-OE