Why Did Joe Biden Become President? Juxtapose Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky2@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 11:06 AM To: Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au; chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; Steve Ballmer; Jeff@amazon.com; info@olympic.ru; office @olympic.ru; press@veb.ru; info@veb.ru; cs@mc.gov.sa; feedback@sis.gov.eg; letters@time.com; Playboy Support; ivory4uentertainment@gmail.com; Eliza beth.kuhl13@gmail.com; Ben Silverman; Danielbenhurd@gmail.com; info@thepoverellocenter.org; bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; brittanysp@cctcsp.org; hankc@cskt.org; sishorn@ftbelknap.org; jerlthompson@standingrock.org; alisonjohnson@mhanation.com; debi.condon.csp@colvilletribes.com; Ralph C. Jefferson; KLevinson@Nooksack-nsn.gov; mtran@pgst.nsn.us; mary.squally@puyalluptribe-nsn.gov; gjames@quinault.org; Igreen@suquamish.nsn.us; rreeves@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov; fazure@fortpecktribes.net; council@cskt.org; cookiesmissoula001 @gmail.com; alternativewellness.nwmt@gmail.com; trichomevalley406@gmail.com; missoula@ 710montana.com; silverleafmissoula@gmail.com; alecj@bigskybuds.com; missoula@collectiveelevation.com; rchristensen@bsb.mt.gov; Sherrie Walsh; OfficeoftheProvost@umontana.edu; thepresident@umontana.edu; paul.lasiter@umontana.edu; alumni@umontana.edu; eoaa@mso.umt.edu; ithelpdesk@umontana.edu; news@umontana.edu; vpr@umontana.edu; logan.parker@umontana.edu; slavenl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; ejonkel@missoulapubliclibrary.org; amandaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; (wood@missoulapubliclibrary.org; wes@missoulapubliclibrary.org; kolson@missoulapubliclibrary.org; crystalk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; svelk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; selyaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; Mary Wooldridge; AIIenS@missoulapubliclibrary.org; edwardl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; taylorm@missoulapubliclibrary.org; joshuad@missoulapubliclibrary.org; mayorstaff@ci.missoula.mt.us; tlwagner@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- News@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI-Sports@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- Weather@sbgtv.com; whmiller@sbgtv.com; comments@sbgi.net; advertising@sbgtv.com; newstips@kxlf.com; info@bethsoft.com; gaben@valvesoftware.com; media@gatesfoundation.org; unhousedneighborsunion@gmail.com; newsed@dailyinterlake.com; edit@dailyinterlake.com; obits@dailyinterlake.com; thisweek@dailyinterlake.com; community@dailyinterlake.com; dperkins@dailyinterlake.com; hdesch@dailyinterlake.com; hmatheson@dailyinterlake.com; tinman@dailyinterlake.com; jweber@dailyinterlake.com; kheston@dailyinterlake.com; szalesky@dailyinterlake.com; aray@dailyinterlake.com; fneighbor@dailyinterlake.com; jdugan@dailyinterlake.com; ckreider@dailyinterlake.com; circ@dailyinterlake.com; kfuller@dailyinterlake.com; classifieds@dailyinterlake.com; scarlon@dailyinterlake.com; jmoore@dailyinterlake.com; kbaker@dailyinterlake.com; zbedford@dailyinterlake.com; dfroelich@dailyinterlake.com; arobinson@hungryhorsenews.com; jtullos@whitefishpilot.com; klundgren@dailyinterlake.com; mrivera@dailyinterlake.com; rrooney@dailyinterlake.com; kreilly@dailyinterlake.com; dtreweek@dailyinterlake.com; skirby@dailyinterlake.com; tpritchard@dailyinterlake.com; airport; Johnna Preble; To: rcorcoran@kalispell.com; Tyson Parman; Aimee Brunckhorst; Judi Funk; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment; Doug Russell; Doug Russell; Carrie Jones; Michelle Turner; Michelle Turner; Dan Pearce; Cec Lee; jkinzer@kalispell.com; Personnel; BreAnn Hanson; Jolene Shima; Fred Bicha; Chad Fincher; Paul Reinhardt; Parks and Rec; Cody Banal; Liz Sullivan; Cory Clarke; Chad Fetveit; Jordan Venezio; Ryan Bartholomew; Ben Sutton; Jana Purdy; Matthew Carlenzoli; Keith Haskins; Patrick Jentz; Margarite Juarez Thomas; Terri Loudermilk; Joe Schrader; Alexander Smith; Steve Varro; Ryan Votapka; Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; Del Phipps Subject: EXTERNAL Why Did Joe Biden Become President? Juxtapose Starbucks with Joe Biden, the Mormon Church & the Morphology of the QLD Region of Australia when Juxtaposed the University of Montana, (Greek) Mythology on the River Lethe when Juxtaposed Plato & t... If you are interested in making an investment with a promise for an attempt to return a ten percent return, I am presently homeless & would like to petition being financed enough to purchase a piece of property for myself. Should Plato's Republic be proscribed & if so, why? #gou #trickhouse I would like the Chairperson of the Appropriation Committee Rose DeLauro investigated in relation to my affairs who I perceive to have treated me impertinently within psychology this morning. #gou #gemini #lonepine #lupine #burtosky #fathead #makeheavalley I walked the Cliff Trail at the Lone Pine State Park today. 3/17/2024. 1 theorize Lone Pine State Park formed sine qua non my life, specifically my birth of the (E. Zodiac) Gou sign & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendency. Juxtapose the (E. Zodiac) Long sign with the (W. Zodiac) Gemini sign with the (E. Zodiac) Gou sign & the (W. Zodiac) Sagittarius sign. I saw a street sign on the way to the entrance of the park that read Lupine Road. Juxtapose the morphology of the word lupine with Lone Pine State Park, the (E. Zodiac) Gou sign & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation. I passed a person walking two identical digs as I entered the park while thinking of the (E. Zodiac) Gou & (W. Zodiac) Gemini signs (whom I mention with some compunction for public & private moralities sake). #hu #tu #long There is a snake in a cage in the corner of the classroom in the Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center. As I theorize reptiles are more influential on the formation of topography then mammals I theorized the snake to be influencing the formation of Lone Pine State Park & the Visitor Center. I perceive myself engaged in the psychology of the snake & would like to petition a snake of the opposite gender to be added to the display as the snake today is alone. #lawrencepark #kalispell #doctoronto #kilajoule As I theorize my life responsible for golf do I theorize my life responsible for Lawrence Park in Kalispell, MT, USA which features a Frisby golf course. Juxtapose the word Frisby when transposed Grizby with the University of Montana & Missoula's Mountian Bus Lines. My middle name is Laurence. I remember to have perceived this park form sine qua my perception recently. I theorize the word precession formed today sine qua non my use of the porta-potty at Lawrence Park today as I perceived those attending the park contemplate sine qua non my promulgation of juxtaposition between metaphysics, logarithm & trigonometry when trigonometry is transposed trigger -yes -or -no -me -try. My trip to Lawrence Park yesterday was theoretically responsible for my juxtaposition between Neptune, dialectics & the (explicit) Lemon by Gucci Mane which prompted me to juxtapose Neptune with dialectics, the (explicit) Lemon by Gucci Mane when the lyrics are transposed "lemon colored drink in my squeeze cut" &juxtaposed the ingestion of woman's urination in foreplay & precession when precession is transposed peecession. #aryan #socialism #maoism #xiaoping#yinping#mongolia #alaska What is socialism: the conversation proceeding the creation of society from a stage of individual self- sufficiency? Why, to my memory, did Karl Marx promote socialism first? Why did the National Socialist German Workers Party form: the formation of the consensus of deliberation of the distribution of yield Germany's abundance & the yield abundance of the entire world as I petition Nazi Germany commemorated? Why, when juxtaposed the German term pferd, the eighteen -hundred -one concord between Napoleon & the Pope, the British trade empire Raj in Vietnam & the French Indo-China subjugation of the Vietnamese, did the Holocaust occur? Why was the Bible written? Why was Jesus Christ crucified? Juxtapose the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr with the Chinese virtue of xin, the (Egyptian) deity Set, my petition for a Communist third party in the United States, the Cherokee tribe & the cross of Jesus Christ. Why was the United States created? Why did the Trans -Atlantic slave trade occur? Why, when juxtaposed the Italian word for national nazionale, the National Socialist German Worker's Party & the sqrw-nh & nsw classes of Ancient Egypt, did the knot form on Jupiter? Why did Australia form in shape? Why did the NSW region of Australia form? As I advocate a Communist third party to be implemented in the United States I advocate a Socialist sentiment which would see wealth of the United States appropriated in the acculturation of tutorial office space occupations which provide employees the opportunity to accept commissions potentially alleviating them from sociological pecuniary acculturation: an opportunity still made available to those in the work force via the Federal Reserve. Once the United States's self-sufficient demands are met how could wealth in the treasury be spent? #pentateuch #rhamnousia #stupa #ilprincipe #loki #set #shadowofblack Why did Russia form in name? Did Ukraine form in shape in order to acculturate a demand for adherence to the Bible on account of the Bible's popularity in the process of the Bible's reformation becoming responsible for the creation of the United States? Juxtapose the Pentateuch with the morphology of Australia & Australia when juxtaposed Africa, the (Greek) deity Rhamnousia, the naming of Chinese - Indian Stupas, the morphology of Russia & the "shadow of black" that I remember to have read from "Sun Tzu's Art of War & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy." Juxtapose the morphology of Russia with Sun Tzu's admonishment against hastiness, the Chu state of now -China & the Wu state of now -China. Did Ukraine & the Russia once share boundaries within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Why was the USSR created? Why did Karl Marx promote socialism first? Was the Holocaust sine qua non Karl Marx? Why did the Holocaust occur? Why did Mongolia form in shape? Why, to my memory, did former President of China Deng Xiaoping proclaim the nation to be "moving away from Marxism" on the cover of Time Magazine? Juxtapose Karl Marx & former President of China Mao Zedong. Why did the Cultural Revolution occur, the same reason that the Holocaust occurred? My memory of the Cultural Revolution is similar to that of Tammany Hall in New York City: the challenge of private enterprise managing essential manufacturing in the process of Communism becoming? Why, to my memory of Robert Moses's The Power Broker, were the "Catholic Irish Bosses" of New York City, NY, USA once named as such? In warfare, does the human consensus form to challenge oligarchies & paramilitaries such as those theoretically formed prior to the enactment of the Cultural Revolution? #heilsurtr #myamy #adolfhim #yemaya #aztec #incan #aten I petition Adolf Hitler held to opprobrium for what I perceive of his behavior within psychology & his nescient memorial inscription when juxtaposed the virtue of fascism. #dionysus #lucifer #surtr #autobahn #machiagemini #mussolini #fascism I perceive Adolf Hitler occasionally treat me in an impertinent manner, ingratiating onto George Washington's superimposition onto society & psychology while George Washington's theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) mythological figure Plouton is persiflage meant to incriminate the individual responsible for the death of World War Two, & fear for the merits of Adolf Hitler's leadership of the (German -Italian) Nazi Military Government Standard which I share evidence to have been sine qua non my life. Juxtapose Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, George Washington, the United States color scheme, the morphology of Idaho & the (German -Italian) Nazi Military Government. Why did George Washington die iatrogenic? I've tried to respect & nurture Mr. Hitler by treating him in a manner in which I would like to be treated as a leader. I theorize the colors red & black are very powerful in combination & those existing in relativity to & unworthy of red & black's endorsement will form into roles of lesser status. Was Adolf Hitler deceived to criticize fascism to expose his inferior qualities in the process of the (German -Italian) Nazi Military Government hierarchy becoming? Why did King Charles the Fifth of the Holy Roman Empire speak to God in Spanish, woman in Italian, horses in German & men in French? Was Niccolo Machiavelli sine qua non King Charles the Fifth as I am portrayed as the (Greek) deity Dionysus responsible for the Spanish word for God Dios? Was Benito Mussolini sine qua Niccolo Machiavelli? If I were to write an article commemorating the Nazis I feel impelled to write a criticism of Adolf Hitler, perhaps pertaining to his memorial birth inscription should evidence that he was an influence on the inscription be verified; otherwise, I petition the inscription proscribed. Who, if anyone, is knowledgeable of the motivation of Adolf Hitler's birthplace memorial inscription? "Notes: Virago O-Doctor Mercury Lead" shares my theory that Adolf Hitler's birthplace inscription was written sine qua non a sense of betrayal felt by Adolf Hitler in response to Italy's capitulation of World War Two south of the Italian Social Republic. Should the notion of the Italian Social Republic existing as a "puppet -state" to Nazi Germany be proscribed? Was the notion of the Italian Social Republic existing as a "puppet -state" to the (German -Italian) Nazi Military Government Administration sine qua non stereotyping of former Prime Minister of Italy Benito Mussolini's sexual subordinacy on account of his baldness? Why did Italy separate between a Kingdom of Italy & an Italian Social Republic before the end of World War Two? https://Inkd.in/ci4RV5Ywe shares my theory that the (German -Italian) Nazi Military Government's desire & failure to conquer the United Kingdom occurred on account of the power enabled to Europe's feudal Government by the English Reform, Fisherman's Signet & Biblical acculturation.