Why Did Joe Biden Become President? Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 7:58 PM
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Subject: EXTERNAL Why Did Joe Biden Become President?
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Whywas the Quran's chapterYa-Sin written?
#magazine #magdatene #melpomene #set #osiris #surtr #iris
Juxtapose the (explicit) music artists Drake, the Game & Kendrick Lamar with Taylor Swift & "the woman with red -hair
on Time Magazine."
I perceive "the woman with red -hair on Time Magazine' disrespecting me within psychology. I don't want her to think
she is welcome to consider herself a prospect for my intimacy. I do not want this woman benefiting from my application.
I perceive this woman disgrace women acting like a belligerent as a former recipient of the cover of Time Magazine
while Taylor Swift deports herself as Person of the Year. I perceive this woman disgrace Time Magazine acting like a
belligerent as a former recipient of a cover. Has Time Magazine been sine qua non my life evident by Butte's Technical
College when abbreviated "Technical Montana" & juxtaposed Time Magazine? Juxtapose Time Magazine with the
(Greek) mythological figure Cronos, Atlas & Typhon & the image or impression I have theoretically left on the surface of
Mercury which appears like a figure holding a watch.
Has "the woman with red -hair on Time Magazine" been portrayed as the (Greek) deity Iris? Why did Lake Erie form
when juxtaposed the (Greek) deity Iris & the term iridescent? Why did the Los Angeles Lakers form?
https://lnkd.in/gKESEjfE shares evidence corroborating my testimony that "the woman with red -hair with Time
Magazine" has been engaged in my psychology & that she has been sine qua non or vice versa Lebron James who's name
can be transposed Lebronze Jake's.
Why did Lebron James choose to play for the Lakers? Juxtapose the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr with the (Greek)
deity Iris, the nation of Ireland, the Irish homology when transposed Hiris or Hire -us & the following phrases I share
with an admonishment of criminology for their theoretical relativity to my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic)
mythological figure Surtr & "the Irish Mafia;" the same reason I approve of my theoretical portrayal Surtr's portrayal as
antagonist in the (mature) God of War series as Surtr theoretical exists as the leader of the Irish Mafia who's advocacy of
crime has been de facto in opposition to the Bible & responsible for Cesare Borgia, Niccolo Machiavelli, H.H. Holmes &
Adolf Hitler: "You aren't a punk you'll snitch, you aren't a punk you'll stitch, you work for me now, trabajas las rojas."
Evident by the morphology of the Spanish phrase "Trabajar [as ropas" when juxtaposed the Spanish word roja I fear
deception of pecuniary gain & psychological distortion the red-haired demographic may be responsible for. As I theorize
Lebron James culprit for transgressions meriting his accolades stripped while he exists in relativity to the (W. Zodiac)
Libra constellation do I theorize the (Greek) deity Iris's relationship to myself is expressive of the scruples of a
demographic of red-haired women which forms to ensure their lives stratified within pecuniary parameters for the
preservation of society.