PFA's in city water Public Comment from Mary Gerner Dear Honorable Mayor & City Council Members, I am writing in concern to the PFA's found in our city water supply. According to the release of statement these contaminants were found in 2 wells of our public water supply. I have some major concerns & questions I hope can be answered. How can you be aware of how dangerous & toxic this is to everyone's health & justify its diluted so with good water so it'll still be given to the public? You are poisoning us! You are well aware of this & continue. Not only that, you are charging a fee for us to kill ourselves. Further testing is not sufficient in this case. Shut down the poisons & figure out a solution. This is what you are elected for. To protect & serve the good of your city residents. I DO NOT CONSENT TO BEING POISONED BY YOUR TOXIC WATER! May you do what's right for our community & children. We must stand together for change & fight for human rights. Written in sadness by what has become acceptable. Regards, Mary Gerner