Walla/Kalispell City AirportREAFm
® Transportation • Wastewater • Airports ® Water • Site Development • Structures •
Kalispell Office
1372 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
406.755.8602 FAX 406.755.8710
Email: Mail@stellinginc.com
January 28, 2010
Honorable Tammi Fisher, Mayor
City Council
City of Kalispell
201 1st Avenue E.
Kalispell, MT 59901
Re: Kalispell City Airport
Dear Mayor Fisher and Council Members,
I would like to formally respond to comments made about myself and Stelling Engineers, Inc. at the
January 11 th City Council workshop. Members of the Quiet Skies Committee made several
inaccurate statements regarding a telephone conversation I had with Vince Jennison, the Polson
Airport Manager. Please accept this letter as my account of the situation.
The Lake County Joint Airport Board has been a client of Stelling Engineers for over 10 years. I
called Vince Jennison mid -day on January 11 th as a courtesy to our client. The purpose of this call
was to clarify that the meeting at which Mr. Jennison was going to speak was being conducted by the
Quiet Skies Committee, and was not an official City of Kalispell meeting. Mr. Jenson informed me
that he had just learned this same information earlier that morning from a newspaper article and
another person. He also told me that when he accepted the speaking engagement he was under the
impression that it was an official City meeting and that he would likely rescind his offer to speak
once he confirmed the group was not affiliated with the City of Kalispell. At no time during this
conversation did I suggest, recommend, or direct Mr. Jennison not to attend the meeting.
Stelling Engineers, Inc. looks forward to serving the City of Kalispell in an open, professional
manner. I will be more than happy to provide further detail or answer any further questions the
Mayor or City Council may have. Please accept this letter as part of the public record for the
Kalispell City Airport project.
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.