Gravel and Aggregate Invitation for Bids 2024INVITATION FOR BIDS
The City of Kalispell, Montana will receive sealed bids for %" Minus Crush Gravel, and %" Seal Coat
Aggregate from Kalispell area gravel pits. The purchase includes furnishing all materials, equipment, and
labor and tools to provide loaded aggregate materials meeting the City of Kalispell specifications.
Each year the City of Kalispell completes utility and roadway maintenance projects requiring %" crush
gravel for bedding, backfill and roadway base. The City uses %" Seal Coat Aggregate in its winter roadway
sanding operations. City equipment and labor forces are used to complete these maintenance projects
and tasks.
All vendors interested in the scope of work are required to submit written unit prices for %" minus crush
gravel meeting the requirements of MPWSS section 02235, %" Seal Coat Aggregate meeting the
requirements of MPWSS Section 02504, hours and dates of operation, and location of available aggregate
source. City costs for travel time and fuel will be considered in the evaluation of the bids received.
The City will select a vendor based upon all factors stated in the offer. The City reserves the right to reject
any and all responses, to waive minor irregularities or technicalities, and to re -advertise for all or any part
of this solicitation as deemed in its best interest.
All written bids must be received prior to 2:40 PM Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Written quotes should
be delivered to City of Kalispell Public Works, Attn. Gene Come, City Road and Fleet Superintendent.
Physical Address: City Hall, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901; Mailing Address: City Hall, PO Box
1997, Kalispell, MT 59903.
Please direct all questions to Gene Come, Road and Fleet Superintendent at the City of Kalispell Public
Works at 406-758-7723.
Authorized by order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in a regular meeting held on
August 21, 2023.
Gene Corne
Road and Fleet Superintendent
Office: 406-758-7723
Cell: 406-212-8910
Publish January 28, and February 11, 2024