Feig/Scoping Meeting of Jan 25, 2010Kalispell Mayor - T. Fisher
City Manager - J. Howington
From: Carl Feig
Re: Scoping Meeting of Jan. 25, 2010
Following the suggestion from the last City Council meeting, I want to respond and
express my continued interest and concern, which began in 1991, regarding the city
airport. In that time the city of Kalispell, supposedly represented by the city council and
acting for the benefit of the citizens, have only procrastinated and have not used this city
property to its' "highest and best use". They have, however, acted in accordance to the
will of a few. I believe there have been liberties taken with fact by the airport
management and other proponents - such as the 42,000 and now 48,000 landings and take
offs per year and the divergence of planes from GPI (when there is only one recorded
example- a Fed Ex freighter). These are just two of the enumerable examples of which
there are too many to be included in this letter.
Referring to the airport information presentations I would like to know the following:
1) On page 3 of the scoping findings: I question the cost of many purchases of land and
existing businesses such as Red Eagle, which were never announced.
2) Many of the costs for some of the items appear quite low in dollars.
3) I also question the number of planes stationed at this location. Where did these
numbers come from?
An audit appears to be in order by a non -local CPA. The audit should include the
funding, which is to be derived from fuel taxes, rentals, commercial fees, and tie down
fees. One should be concerned as to how much this airport is a boost to the economic
welfare of the city. One motel proprietor was concerned that closing this liability -
infested airport would contribute to Kalispell's total unemployment. I can only find
evidence of perhaps a half dozen employees. There are supposed to be 73 aircraft based
at this limited use airport. I do not believe there are that many hangar spaces or tie
downs, at least not from my visual observation.
In short, why doesn't the city act to make available to the residents of this area a property
that would be revenue producing? I recommend a community center with a much -needed
auditorium and a convention hall with floor space for large events. I envision an indoor
swimming pool with spectator accommodations and an area for a much -needed YMCA
and YWCA, and even a place for a bowling alley. We would then too have a place for a
focal point for Kalispell where visitors would be pleased that Kalispell has made it
possible to enjoy our natural amenities on their way from Yellowstone to Glacier Parks.
If we think small, the result will always be small, however if we think big to encompass
culture and entertainment we will have great rewards serving many, not just a select few.
Let the residents of this area decide, and by voting, let their decisions be known.