01-26-10 ARC MinutesDATE: MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT Hear the Public: Approval of Minutes: Old Business: MINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 26, 2010; 7:30 a.m., lgt Avenue East Cafe, 128 lgt Ave E Corey Johnson (Chairman); Bill Goodman; Mark Norley Carol Nelson; John Hinchey; Russ Skelton City Staff—PJ Sorensen; Katharine Thompson Guests — None None Mark moved to approve the January 12 minutes; Russ seconded. Approved 6-0. Glacier State — new freestanding signs at 600 Liberty and 506 lgt Ave W. John moved to remove from the table; Mark seconded. Motion passed 6-0. Landscaping would help. Color isn't great; tough to read. Intent great, but not followed through well. Mark moved to table until landscape plan submitted; John seconded. Motion to table passed 6- 0. New Business: None Other Discussion: Potential Awards Program — Bill didn't find much. Russ will talk to his dad, who is a planner. Katharine looked at Spokane, Missoula has a historic award program, and Billlings. American Institute of Architects has some. Katharine will forward info to PJ, who will forward it to the committee. Some of the other areas do the awards by application, and some are nominated by the committee. General feeling is that more informal is better, should start off with a more limited area and categories. Need to think about timing and categories. Keep criteria general. Get together a list of 2008 and 2009 projects. Meeting Adjourned at 8:15