Swank Enterprises/Youth Home Issues6ENR SWANK ENTERPRISES/CONER CTORS PO. BOX 10007 750 WE5T RE5ERVEE DR. K.AL 15 P ELL, MT. 59904 - 3007 40G/ 75 Z- 5411 - FAX 75G -8765 swn.nk¢nk g c¢n+urY-61.n--I' May 27th, 2009 City of Kalispell 201 1 st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 To Mayor Pam Kennedy and City Manager Myrt Webb, Re: Flathead Youth Home Over the last few months Swank has been working with the Youth Home organization to build their new residence. Swank Enterprises have followed architects plans that were approved by the building department and also the public works department but we are now having trouble gaining approval of the building. When we applied for final inspection items were added to the requirements that were not on the original city approved plan. For example, an ADA ramp on the sidewalk and an ADA handrail. Items that we had previously completed have been reconsidered and have been rejected long after their installation. For example, a water tap was done in October 08. The road was patched with asphalt and public works department oversaw the operation. Now, in May they have determined that the patch is not good enough and has to be replaced. We replaced the patch and now there is a complaint that it is too coarse. Every few days a new item is added to the list of requirements. Yesterday we were told that the slope of the driveway was too steep where is crosses the sidewalk. This is weeks after the final inspection. Throughout this project we have tried our best to comply with the public works departments' requirements despite being subjected to abuse from Mark Crowley (swearing, shouting and slandering Swank), we have been asked to redo things that have already been approved and have been ordered to add things to the project that were not in the city approved plan. Through all of this Swank have attempted to abide by requirements but our hands are tied when we are asked to implement requirements that were not on the plan. We are very keen to complete the job to everyone's satisfaction but are unable to if the public works department keeps adding things to our list of things to complete. The Public Works Department approves the plans prior to the start of the building and we rely on their expertise in determining compliance with the regulations of the city. However, they are approving plans that are built to and then are altering the requirements at the end of the project. Please could you aid us in identifying plans that we can build to or give us direction on how we should complete this project. Sincerely, r Louise Adamson — Project Manager Swank Enterprises