Eckels/Citizen Assurances of ProtectionCITIZEN ASSURANCES OF PROTECTION
Approved by roll call vote of the Quiet Skies Committee on 10/21/09
Drafted by Steve Eckels, Spokesperson Quiet Skies Committee
Government officials: please sign and return to - PO Box 584; Kalispell, MT 59903
Whereas the Federal Aviation Association has asked the city to sign off on 39 assurances to protect
the federal investment in airport expansion, we the members of the Quiet Skies Citizen Committee are
asking for six assurances to protect citizen interests before any expansion takes place.
This document is a non -binding resolution that states the city, county and federal officials are willing
to assure the following protections.
Failure to sign the document means that the city, county and federal government are not able to
assure these protections, and will be interpreted by the citizens of the Quiet Skies Committee as a
negation or non -guarantee of the protections the citizens are requesting.
The City, County and Federal Aviation Administration assures the public:
1. The expansion of the airport will result in noise that is equal to or less than the current amount of
2. The expansion of the airport will result in greater safety to people on the ground.
3. The expansion of the airport will not have a negative affect on Kalispell's "charm factor" or property
4. In the event of a crash, the city and federal government will assume financial liability for damage or
injury to people on the ground. Why should people on the ground be responsible for accidents that they
have nothing to do with?
5. The city will generate money from the airport in the form of reasonable take off and landing fees.
The money will be reinvested in the airport -affected zone to upgrade neighborhoods. (There is a fee to
use the Buffalo Hill Golf Course. Why should we not charge a fee for the use of the airport? There
would be a city office at the airport to collect fees and answer complaints).
6. The city will re -zone and/or regulate touch-and-go flight paths to reduce noise before the expansion
takes place.
City Manager:
City Attorney:
Gary Gates: FAA Airports Division:
City Planning Office: