Mercer/Kalispell City Airport S27 commentsDear City Council, Thank you for your time and service to the community. I recently heard about a group whose goal is to shut down the Kalispell City Airport S27. Let me say, that as a pilot who uses this airport, it is a bad idea. The following are some reasons why I believe it detrimental: 1. There have been times due to scheduling, events, repair, and weather, when flying out of Kalispell City Airport has been a wonderful benefit. If this airport did not exist, pilots would have very limited options when presented with circumstances such as these. 2. The airport serves many different people groups represented in not only the city of Kalispell, but also Flathead County. From business owners to executives, from emergency medical flights to mail carriers such as Fed Ex and UPS, this airport serves the community. 3. This airport also means jobs to our valley. No only does the airport provide jobs directly associated with flight operations, but jobs which may be hard to identify such as construction, maintenance, fuel and other such supportive services. 4. Lastly, for visiting pilots, Kalispell City Airport S27 is near key businesses which is very convenient and brings revenue to the city. This airport is a part of our community, is operating in the black and is a great benefit. Please consider listening to pilots and those who benefit from and are affiliated with the airport and its related services before making a decision based on a single viewpoint. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, David Mercer, pilot and S27 supporter.