Gardner/Airport 02/08/10 Mayor Fischer and Members of City Council, We are writing this letter to show our support for the expansion of Kalispell City Airport. We have watched the debate go on for some time, at first believing that all involved wanted a win/win situation, but that does not seem to be the case now. We sincerely believe that an expanded airport with a longer runway will address the two major concerns of noise and safety. Many will say that we have a financial interest in seeing the airport expanded and therefore should not be heard, but let us explain that financial interest. Our family has invested millions of dollars in the south end of Kalispell, owning a variety of properties from Four Corners south to the former Kalispell Livestock Auction including 70+ acres recently annexed into the City limits. The airport and its planned expansion have always been a positive factor in our plans and acquisitions, not a detriment. We view the City airport as a great asset to the City of Kalispell. We have had and continue to have customers that fly in to the city airport to either attend one of our auctions, look at RV’s, or other business ventures. Also, from the residential view point, I lived on the corner of Airport Rd and 18th St. W. for a number of years. The Airport, of course, was there when I bought the house and when I sold it. I did not consider it to ever be a negative factor in my purchase of the property, using it as a residence, or when I sold it. We, along with many business and land owners, strongly support the idea of an expanded airport and the possibilities and benefits that come along with the expansion. Thank you for your time and effort in serving the City of Kalispell. Todd Gardner