Loudon/kalispell city airportDear Council Member,
I am sending this letter in regards to the City Airport, as a private
plane owner, and also as a current A&P mechanic employed at Red Eagle
Aviation, in the belief that the airport is a valuable asset to the
community that should remain in its current location.
I started my aviation career 12 years ago in this valley learning and
getting my private license. I have logged over 225 hours of flying
going in and out of Kalispell city airport. I have enjoyed the use of
the city airport for its convenience and its accessibility, for me,
family, and friends. Also for its encouragement for young people to
explore the opportunities that aviation has to offer, that the larger
airport Glacier Park International cannot provide.
Also since I work and derive my income from the Kalispell City Airport,
were we as mechanics can provide a level of service to the flying
community that is more personal convenient and suited toward the small
aviation community than its counterpart at Glacier. The economic impact
on the aviation community would make it impossible for private owners
like myself to own and operate an airplane without the existence of the
Kalispell airport.
I feel improvements to the current airport will make the difference for
added safety, Noise abatement, and at a very small cost. While improving
its curb appeal will make it more attractive for visitors to come and
support local businesses that make up the town of Kalispell.
Josh Louden
820 Lower Valley Rd.
Kalispell, MT 59901
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