Linn/Kalispell City Airport {S27}Kalispell City Mayor & Council,
I have been flying in & out of Kalispell City Airport {S27} since the
mid 1970's. It is close to down town businesses, motels & lodging. It
employees numerous Kalispell people!
The major air carrier airports in Montana, Billings, Bozeman, Missoula,
Helena & Great Falls have airplanes flying over the communities, or
subdivisions on the approach & departing traffic corridors. Safety is as
important at each of those communities as it is at Kalispell City
Airport! Kalispell City Airport was there long before most of the
citizens mumbling about noise bought their homes. Maybe all flight in &
out of the Flathead should be grounded including Glacier International,
along with the logging trucks, semi trucks hauling food, medical
supplies & trains??? They also make noise & create a Safety Issue to
some one!
This is not the lst attempt to close City Airport, I urge you not to do
Tim Linn
Commercial Rated Pilot
1307 South Church St.
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Member Montana Pilots Association
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