Moss/City AirportFebruary 1, 2010 Kalispell City Council RE: Kalispell City Airport I have provided you this letter to show my support for the continuing operations of the Kalispell City Airport. In addition I also would like to voice my support for the implementation of the proposed safety measures including the extension and realignment of the runway. I have reviewed the information that has been made available to the public as a result of the recent debates surrounding this issue including the televised meetings of the City Council. Although I feel that most of the issues raised by the opponents to the airport have been adequately addressed, I will offer these thoughts after considering the concerns raised by those challenging the renovation of the airport. I find it surprising that the residents that live in close proximity to the airport have expressed concerns with both the noise and safety of the aircraft utilizing the airport. I am confident that most of the individuals that reside in the area either purchased or built or purchased their homes after the establishment of the airport in 1929. Therefore, they were aware of the potential noise issues and safety concerns at the time they chose to reside next to the airport. Many individuals have expressed that the property should be utilized in some other fashion even suggesting a ferris wheel. It seems that an important step in this process would be to have an appraisal of the real estate that makes up the city airport and the proposed expansion area. As part of any appraisal process, the appraiser is entrusted to determine the “highest and best” use for the property. My assumption is that, based on the physical location of the property and in light of current and anticipated economic conditions, the current use of the property is already being utilized as it should be. In addition, this would cause the displacement of businesses currently located at the City Airport and the surrounding businesses that benefit from the traffic generated by the operations of the airport. My final point is that I have heard numerous individuals suggest that the operations of the City airport should be relocated to Glacier Park International airport. I would like to ask if anybody has spoken to those that control the operations of GPI? Does that airport have the capability to handle the additional aircraft traffic, storage and servicing that is currently handled at the City Airport. Do they have hangar space available at a similar rate for the business that will be displaced by the closure of the airport? Do they have facilities for an additional flight training facility that will need to be relocated? As a resident of Kalispell and a private pilot that had the privilege of learning how to fly with Red Eagle Aviation, I completely disagree with the closure of and/or the relocation of the city airport. I am in complete support of the realignment of the runway and the proposed improved safety measures. I thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this letter of support of the City Airport. Sincerely, Steven L. Moss 86 Northern Lights Blvd Kalispell, MT 59901