Densmore/Kalispell downtown airport It is my understanding that the Kalispell City Council is considering a request from a group of people in your town who wish the Kalispell City Aiport closed. I am a pilot who has been involved in aviation since the early 1960s. I am always saddened when I see viable airports that contribute strongly to the economy of their community attacked by vocal minorities who (occasionally intentionally) confuse fact and fiction, and subsequently succeed in closing a vital and necessary aviation facility, displacing businesses and other customers. I believe that would be the case here. One indicator of this is that your airport operates "in the black". It makes money, is not a burden on your taxpayers, and it contributes significantly to the economy both by hosting businesses and by bringing in clientele for your city. Aircraft are not inherently any more dangerous than other kinds of vehicles. Statistics can "prove" anything, but I know they're safe, because my wife lets me fly. She even comes along. This should not be used as a reason to close an airport. Kalispell is one of many important airports located in or near cities. Others that come to mind are Phoenix, Los Angeles, Dallas Love, Burbank, Van Nuys. There are many such airports. Proximity to destination is one of the most important selling points of an airport, and Kalispell Airport is a valuable asset to your city, partly because of that proximity. In the end, there always are pros and cons. In reasoning through them and in separating fact from fiction, I believe you will find that your city wants to promote aviation just as your state does, and that the advantages of having a close-in airport far outweigh the disadvantages. As a pilot, finding your charming airport has given me a reason to come visit your town with my airplane. I hope to do so soon. Please keep your airport. Thank you. --Jim Densmore Colorado Springs, CO This is my personal opinion, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of my employer. IBM Corporation <http://www.ibm.com/> <> Jim Densmore, Principal Solution Architect, Senior Certified <http://w3-03.ibm.com/hr/careerplanner/caita023.html> IT Specialist <> IBM Software Services <http://www-306.ibm.com/software/rational/services/> , Rational SDA <http://w3.tap.ibm.com/w3ki08/display/WWRATLSDA/Home> <> Colorado Springs <http://www.pikespeakcam.com/> CO, USA <> +1.719.520.3079, cell: 339.6757 <> My expanded signature <http://www.densmore.org/signature.html> Conferencing <http://www.densmore.org/conferencing.html> IBM Support <http://www.ibm.com/software/support/> <> HFSC <http://www.highflights.com/> Chief Tow Pilot <>