Mowbray/Senator Tester supports General AviationThank you for the opportunity to comment on the importance of maintaining an existing airport. Here is a recent press release from Sen. Tester's office. Carmine Mowbray, Polson, Montana private pilot since 1977 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 28, 2010 Tester launches Senate General Aviation Caucus Senator is founding member of group supporting Montana jobs (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Senator Jon Tester today helped launch the Senate General Aviation Caucus, a bipartisan group of Senators dedicated to an industry that supports Montana jobs. Montana is home to more than 4,000 general aviation pilots and planes, and 123 airports. The industry supports nearly 1.3 million good-paying jobs across the United States. “My focus is on rebuilding our economy by creating and keeping Montana jobs,” Tester said. “General aviation is an economic engine that supports jobs in Montana. We’re going to work together to make sure this important industry has the support it needs.” General aviation includes all aviation except commercial and military. The Senate General Aviation Caucus includes 23 Senators—Republicans and Democrats—from across the country. Contact: Aaron Murphy (406) 252-0291 or Andrea Helling (202) 228-0371