Caselli/Kalispell City AirportDear Kalispell City Council Members,
I am writing to you in regards to the Kalispell City Airport. I have
heard rumblings that a group known as “Quiet Skies” is doing their best
to shut down the airport.
Please do not let this happen!
While I live in Polson, I use Kalispell City Airport for a variety of
reasons; the main of which is convenience. I fly out of Kalispell City
Airport regularly. I take classes as necessary there. And of course,
while in town I shop at Rosauers, Murdoch’s, Western Outdoors, etc. as
well as having lunch at Scotty’s or Moose’s or the Blue Canyon.
Because of these conveniences I have been contemplating purchasing a
hanger there.
Although Polson has a very nice airport, for what I do and need,
Kalispell fits the bill much better.
Sadly, if Kalispell City Airport should close then I would pull my
operations and move them to Missoula, which is closer for me than
Glacier International Airport.
Allow some necessary improvements to Kalispell City Airport such as
moving KGEZ’s towers, and upgrading as necessary to meet FAA
requirements and call it good.
You know, Kalispell City Airport has been in town longer than most of
these newcomers that are complaining have. Give the airport and the
business it generates the nod and end this folly.
All the best to you and yours,
Gino Caselli
Pilot ~ Polson, Montana
“Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to
suppress it, and, indeed, to neglect to confound evil men - when we can
do it - is no less a sin than to encourage them.”
~ His Holiness Pope St. Felix III ~