Barber/Kalispell AirportDear City Council:
Although I am not a resident of Kalispell, my wife and I enjoy regular
visits to your friendly, beautiful city. The convenience and safety of
your airport is one of the major reasons we are able to so easily fly to
Kalispell. The only other choice, Glacier National Park, is so far away,
it is not an option. (When landing Kalispell, we don't need to rent a
car for our stay. Amenities are within walking distance or an easy taxi
ride away.)
I am writing to express my opinion that the airport is a commercial and
cultural asset to your city and to close it would be a loss for your
citizens and the many visitors by air.
Local airports are closing all across the country, victims of
short-sighted belief that a mall or other commercial enterprise will be
a better choice. You won't know what you've done until it's too late.
I hope you will keep this fine airport alive and well for the benefit of
your citizens and, too, for the many visitors who enjoy the friendly
hospitality of Kalispell.
Joseph Barber
5738 36th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105