08-22-23 Conrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors MinutesConrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors Aug 22, 2023. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Conrad Mansion 1. Welcome- Members present: Natalie Robinson, Gail Erickson, Gary Havens, Katharine King, Diane Morton Stout, Chris Vick, Sue Corrigan, Mark Schickendantz, Everit Sliter, Mary Pat Murphy, Carrie Nelson and Museum Director Brit Clark. 2. Consent Agenda- July meeting Minutes and Treasurer's report accepted. 3. Grants/Sponsorships a. Flathead Electric School Tours- After discussion about Mansion school tours, Chris Vick made a motion that $5,000 of the $10,000 FEC student tour sponsorship be used for Mansion operating costs related to school tours (tour guides, etc.). The rest will go towards student tour materials. (Seconded Mark S. All in favor) b. Great Fish Challenge -There is a pop-up event at First Interstate Bank in Kalispell for anyone who wants to show support. The campaign runs through Sept. 15. 4. Fundraising a. Room Sponsorships & Garden Shed Sponsor- Gail has talked with a couple of local businesses about sponsoring the Dining Room and the Garden Shed. b. Upcoming events- Locals Day will be Sept. 23rd. Volunteers are needed this day. This is a joint venture for the Mansion, Hockaday, and NWMT History Museum. Fairy Walks will be every Thursday in September. Ghost Tours will be held the last weekend in October. (27-28). This is a volunteer intensive event. Trying to have more than one weekend, if enough volunteers. S. Facilities a. Roof- The contractor CBX is finished with the roof project except for the Fernery glass and the pop -outs. The Fernery will be finished when back ordered materials arrive. The contractor was very professional t to work with. The new roof and copper flashing look great and have garnered positive feedback. b. New Venue Planning- Mary Pat and Brit met with Jennifer Uskoski, a draftsperson at Jackola regarding a concept drawing. 6. Executive Director's Report - a. Brit provided updates on tours. In September, several of the Mansion guides return to school (as teachers and students). Extra staffing is needed during the week. b. Gardens- Joanie and Pat McGlynn have met and worked together on deer management. 7. Adjourn (5:00).