Brady/Kalispell City Airport Improvements I have been flying off Kalispell City Airport for the past thirty five years. I am a commercial pilot and make my living flying. Over the past thirty five years I have seen hundreds of pilots trained and go on to pursue their careers in aviation. The airport has always been an asset to the whole valley. The DNRC, USFS, Glacier National Park Fire Detection and any suppression aircraft fly out of Kalispell City Airport. Red Eagle Aviation brings vacationers in from around the world to access the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Glacier Park and other back country airstrips for camping, hunting and fishing. The local lodges and outfitters all depend partially on aviation in their business. Many of the valley Businesses have private aircraft and hangers on the city airport to augment their business. I was born and raised in Kalispell and in 1988 I built my house a few hundred yards from the kalispell City runway and had the contractor put the living room at an elevation that would allow the airport beacon to shine in. Quiet highways, quiet streets, quiet sawmills, quiet production plants, quiet music rooms and quiet skies are not a good thing, especially if you make your living at one of them. I hope you will take items into consideration when discussing the airport improvements, sometimes mistakenly called expansion. Dick Brady 1983 Bluestone Kalispell, MT 59901