Cain/Kalispell City AirportI am a private pilot living in and flying out of Lincoln, MT since 1995. Kalispell City Airport is one of my frequent destinations since it is located in such close proximity to downtown Kalispell. Food, lodging, shopping, entertainment, and other amenities are readily available within walking distance. I know for myself and many other pilots, Kalispell City Airport provides an attractive destination for the proverbial “$100 dollar hamburger.” The aviation services available at Kalispell City Airport are excellent. I rarely use Glacier Park International Airport since it is remotely located to the city of Kalispell and doesn’t have the friendly local atmosphere. If Kalispell City Airport is closed and relocated further away from the heart of the city, I know that my visits will be seriously curtailed, if not eliminated entirely. Kalispell City Airport has an excellent safety record (only one fatal accident in the last 15 years) and provides a significant boost to the city economy (395 jobs) as well as providing for emergency medical services and an aviation port for small business travel. Closing Kalispell City Airport would be very short-sighted and a serious loss to the basic value and economy of the City of Kalispell. Jerome M. Cain 1679 Lone Point Drive PO Box 1057 Lincoln, MT 59639-1057 406-362-4743