08-16-23 Urban Renewal Agency Board MinutesAUGUST 16, 2023, —4 P.M. CITY HALL— FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM AND VIA ZOOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold Catherine Potter Shannon Freix via phone PUBLIC COMMENT None. PREVIOUS MEETING SUMMARY June meeting summary accepted. TIF & TEDD Downtown: OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Katharine King, Community Development Manager Jarod Nygren, Development Services Director Staff provided an update on the Parking Garage project and Charles Hotel: Transfer of ownership to Montana Hotel Development Partners is expected soon on both the 3rd & Main (Valley Bank) and Eagles Lots. Construction to begin spring 2024. The draft policy on banners to be displayed over Main Street and on light poles potentially on both Main Street and the Kalispell Parkline will be provided to City Council for review in August. BROWNFIELDS The city has requested the following Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBAs) from the Montana DEQ: • 3rd & Main phase I completed. Phase II ESA recommended and to be provided by MDEQ. • Eagles Lot phase I completed. • Wye Track phase I completed. • Former Rygg Ford site phase 11: per MDEQ request, additional access has been granted by property owner to MDEQ. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned.