Johnson/Kalispell City AirportCouncil Members,
My name is Lary Johnson and I reside at 145 N riding Rd in Kalispell. I
am also a pilot who owns and hangars my airplane at Kalispell City
Airport. I am in favor of improving the airport and realigning the
runway both to improve safety and to reduce the noise over the
residential neighborhood.
I have been a resident of the Flathead for over 40 years. I have
recently retired and frequently travel. Wherever I go, whether flying my
own plane ,or just telling people where I’m from almost a universal
comment is Kalispell is that great town that has a small airport that
you can fly into and walk to a motel or get a meal. The airport is a
unique aspect to this city just as Woodland Park or any other attraction
is. It also contributes untold dollars to our local economy both
directly through jobs created on site and indirect tourism dollars.
I have been a CPA in the valley for forty plus years and have done work
for a number of business’s based at the airport therefore having first
hand knowledge of the economic impact generated by this facility,
I urge you to look beyond the rhetoric and misstatements made by a
number of people opposing the project and vote to improve this airport,
This is a great economic stimulation that the valley can sure take
advantage of.
Lary P Johnson