FHS Student LettersNate Parish, 1818 Bluestone Drive
January 215t, 2009
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
Should the City Airport be moved from its present location to a new one or just gotten rid of all
together? No, I am a resident of Kalispell and I live less than a mile away from the airport. I personally
never notice the air port sounds or disruptions of the airport. The airport has been at that location for
more than 75 years. That airport has been there much longer than the houses and its common sense
that if you buy a house next to an airport, that airport is going to have traffic and its going to be loud. It
makes no sense that you buy a house close to an airport and then complain about the noise that airport
makes. The sewage plant next to the airport is way more of a disturbance then the airplanes flying
around over head. As a resident of South Meadows, the sub -division that is located very near the
Kalispell City Airport, I can say that I have gotten very used to it, and don't even notice it. The sound of
airplanes in my opinion is much less of a nuisance then the rotten smell coming from the sewage plant.
I also believe that the Kalispell City Airport does not need to be expanded. Most of the people
who use that airport are flying smaller planes and therefore there is no reason for it to be expanded. If
you are flying a jet or a larger airplane than you should be landing at Glacier International Airport. Don't
get me wrong I think that the City airport should be properly up kept and the proper amount of money
should be paid for that, but there is no reason to waste the taxpayer's money on expanding the airport
when it doesn't need to be done.
I believe that the City airport is something that is very important in this town, but I do
not believe that it should be moved, or expanded to hold larger planes. If you think that the airport is
too loud, than don't buy a house next to it, and if you think that the airport needs to be expanded than I
believe that is a massive waste of money when the big airplanes can just as easily go to Glacier.
Nate Parish
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as -proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—to-pics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
Name Date
Garrett Azbill 175 Many Lakes Dr.
City of Kalispell, MT
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Dear Mayor of Kalispell,
I personally believe that the airport should be left as is and maintained in its present location
and configuration with no upgrades. With all do respect to the owners of the houses by the airport, the
airport was there before any of the houses and if they don't like the noise of an airport why did the
move next to one.
This is just like what happened in Arizona and Luke Air Force Base the base was built before the
city was and people who moved next to the active Air Force base wanted the base to move. Personally
when I lived in Arizona only about 20 miles from the base it made me feel safer seeing four F-16 fly by
the neighborhood everyday.
If the people don't like the noise of the jets then they should move or stop complaining. The
airport was there before any houses and what would be more cost effective a few people moving or
living with the noise or moving an airport with the planes, jet fuel, and electronics. Plus having to rebuild
runways, hangers, and the towers.
Garrett S. Azbill
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—tol)ics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
G, s
Name Date
Arthur Bielz 1930 Hwy 2 West
20 Jan, 2010
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
I have been reading the articles in the Daily Interlake about the city airport and the
renovations they want to make. My opinion is that they should leave the runway where it is and
make some improvements to the facility. I read on the city's website that a long time resident
has lived near the runway for what seems like most of his life. He has lived near the downwind
and base approaches of the airport and hasn't really been bothered by the noise the aircraft
generate. He also states that most of the noise complaints are over exaggerated.
My opinion is that we should upgrade the facility to bring in more tourism and increase
the local business' revenue. I work at Cafe Espresso in the Kalispell Center Mall and most of
our income is based on the tourism season. If we expand the runway to increase traffic, it would
in turn increase our revenue and our business will do better in the slow months.
In conclusion, we should improve the city airport so that local businesses will do better in
the slow months and our popularity as a tourists' getaway will increase. If we don't expand the
runway, then not as many people will discover this town and will miss out on all the things we
have to offer like Glacier Park and Lone Pine.
Arthur Bielz
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—tot)ics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
1 11, ; (0
Name Date
Gregory Michael Seaman
538 South Foys Lake Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
I am writing on the issue of the Kalispell City Airport's future. I have used our City
airport countless times while flying with my father in our Piper Turbo Aero. I have not seen any
problems with the Airport's location, or Airspace Class. However, there has been controversy
over whether the City Airport should be moved and built to B-2 FAA Standards, maintained
where and how it currently is, or upgraded to fit B-2 FAA Standards.
First of all, problems have risen to provoke change in the Airport's status and location.
Noise Pollution is a problem being looked at. Noise Pollution is when noise levels rise above a
certain decibel around 100dBA. People who live around the airport are concerned about the
disturbance of the Airport noise. Some realtors and buyers consider Noise Pollution to
decrease the value of a home. Although this is not a concern of mine, a find it very hard to
believe that noise can effect someone so much as to find a home less valuable or livable.
Another concern is In -City Crashes. I have lived in Kalispell since I was born in 1991, and I can
recall only one case which was a Pilot error which could have occurred even if the airport
hadn't been located where it is.
On the other hand, I see relocating the Kalispell City Airport as a costly venture that
would impact very few, and do little to improve City Life in Kalispell if not downgrade it for
citizen's by decreasing their accessibility to the skies. The Cost to remove the airport from its
current location, then construct a brand new airport (not to mention that a new airport would
not even be located within Kalispell's City Limits) would be extremely expensive, and overall
unnecessary. As for the theory of Noise Pollution, it is unreasonable that a City Airport can
create that big of a disturbance.
As for my opinion, I believe that maintaining the airport as it is now is the most viable
plan for Kalispell. There should not be a change in the location because there is not serious
enough reason to do so. I do however deem that the airport could do with more funds to
create a better flying environment. Conversely, I do not believe that an Airspace upgrade is
necessary because larger aircrafts could potentially pose as a problem. Noise Pollution could
become a relevant problem, and the airport could become more and more crowded.
In conclusion, I believe that there should be no significant changes to the City Airport's
location of Class. I would leave it how it is and maybe increase its funds.
Sincere[ ,
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinteriake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—topics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
Name Date
Clayton Taylor
930 Woodland Ave
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Ave East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
The Kalispell City Airport is on of Montana's highest ranking general aviation airport in providing an
economic boost to its region. It even rates well in the same categories as Montana's commercial
airports. There are seventy planes based on it and around thirty of them are business planes. There are
almost forty three landing and takeoffs a year. Overall there was ten point one million dollars in total
impact to local pay rolls. Non commercial flights in 2008 pumped 2.798 million into local payrolls. There
are about 286 people who worked full-time, par -time, or seasonally at the airport. By shutting down or
moving the airport there would be around 286 jobs lost and over ten million dollars in local pay rolls
lost. There has been a debate about the airports location. Some people say it is to loud and a bother to
the community. I have friends who live in south meadows which are right across from the airport.
None of them say the airport bothers them and it isn't very loud. I don't believe the airport should be
moved. But I don't think the airport should be expanded either. Because Glacier Airport isn't very far
and Kalispell City airport is already big enough. There are already over forty three thousand operations
a year. I don't believe they need to expand. The airport gives jobs, money, and good aviation
opportunities for the community. Kalispell City Airport should stay the same.
Clayton Taylor
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as -proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell_hot topics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
r fef,
Name Date
Kayla Seaman
538 South Foys Lake Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
January 20, 2010
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
I was born in Kalispell in 1994 and have been raised a good ole Montanan. I attend Flathead
High School as a sophomore looking into a profession in podiatry. My father and my mother
both grew up in Kalispell. As a teenager my father began taking flying lessons and has been
flying since; as an instructor in college, flying my family to watch my eldest brother's baseball
games around the states, to flying cross country for fun. He is my inspiration to continue the
family tradition of love for aviation. Being a sophomore in an only junior/senior class, I came in
as the youngest but with the most motivation to get my pilots license and learn more about
Talking a few weeks ago my instructor, Mr. Chuck Manning addressed a problem or concern in
the community. He explained the situation of the Kalispell City Airport and urged us students to
gain further knowledge and share our opinions. As a good way to show the city our passion and
dedication to aviation now and in our future, he asked us to write a letter to express our personal
view on this subject.
The Kalispell City Airport has been in its present locality for over 75 years and is one of the
oldest General Aviation airports in Montana, as well as one of the busiest GA airports in the
State. The airport lies in the middle of Kalispell, a town with some of the greatest recreation
facilities in the United States, making Kalispell City Airport the entrance to Northwest Montana.
Rumors and news have spread throughout the city on the Kalispell City Airport recently. Many
viewpoints have come to attention on whether the City Airport should be left as is and
maintained in its present location, be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location,
or should the Kalispell City Airport be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location
within the Flathead Valley. As a Flathead student whom is interested in aviation, I have
researched the possible outcomes and have decided that the City of Kalispell should leave the
airport as is and maintain it in the present location with no upgrades.
I support my decision because the noise is not as loud as people complain it is, therefore it is not
needed to be moved, but since there are complaints, B-2 would be a mistake because B-2 allows
larger aircrafts to land. I am sure you already know all about B-2 so I will not going farther in
depth. Another supporting reason is that people are worried about in -city crashes, but crashes are
rare compared to car wrecks. The only crash I can recall in my lifetime inside Kalispell city
limits was a few years back when they man crashed into a home near Flathead School. That
could have been avoided, so with better awareness with the pilots and their aircrafts. Another
defense regards the property. We already have a FBO, a runway, and hangers. Relocating would
only cost the tax payers more and would be only affect the few that live near the current location.
Also, what would the point be of having a City Airport if it is not inside the city limits? Those
are some ideas to think about and consider when deciding on the outcome of your city's beloved
airport. Well thank you for giving me your time to explain my idea and decision.
Kayla Seaman
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
• http://www.dailyinterlake.conV - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot topics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
2/ oU
ame ate
Mitchell S. Schaller, 2146 Merganser Drive
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
I have read the articles from the Daily Interlake about this subject and it has come to my
attention that the city wants to make red eagle into a larger airport making from a class B-lairport into a
classB-2 airport. That would mean jet traffic would be going over my house daily. I would not mind that
so much because the reconstruction would attract more attention to the flathead valley increasing our
Increasing more tourism helps our economic situation but it would also upset some of the
people living south of Kalispell city airport. Another solution I see the council is coming up with is move
the city airport to another location I believe that would cost more to move an entire airport then to
extend a runway to make room for the new traffic but then again all of the people currently out at
Kalispell city airport would not move they would take the easy way out and just quit.
I would like the Kalispell city airport not to turn into a class B-2 airport I would like the council to
make a separate airport in a different location perhaps west of town behind Lone Pine or near the flats
near Kila. Making more airports increase the amount of tourism in our little valley thus making more air
traffic and making the new airport into a class B-2 airport. This is my solution to the problem of
expanding the Kalispell city airport. In conclusion simple just remake a new class B-2 airport out of town
a ways but not to far so the general public does not have to travel but still has not enough noise to be a
huge problem.
rSincerely, �
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
® http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—topics—news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.,
f t i'r
{e d
Name Date
Orion Hutchin 3393 Lower Valley Road
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
As a born Kalispell young man I've been watching this town change and grow. My family hasn't
always been involved in aviation until recently my older brother found a great passion for flying and
becoming a pilot. His passion started when he got into aviation in high school. He gained his flight
experience and CFI at the local Kalispell city airport through a local business Red Eagle. We aren't
wealthy and our family worked hard to get him into what he loved. Therefore I certainly think that the
airport should remain at its currant location. The reasons why the airport should remain at the currant
location is it is an accessible convenient location, allows the middle class like my brother and I to get into
the world of flying, Lastly it is a positive asset to the inner city and was established before the
One of the issues that have been brought up is the noise of the planes that are coming in and
out of the airport. That has already been discussed in that there is restricted flying on Monday,
Wednesday, and Fridays. The airport has been willing to help out in attempts to cut down the noise and
yet the people against the airport aren't willing to compromise and the planes that are flying are not the
larger jets. Another concern is an accident in the inner city area. Planes rarely crash and the odds that a
plane will go down and kill a person. People are much more likely to die in a car wreck in town.
Therefore those concerns really are unrealistic in attempting to close or move the airport.
The airport at the current location is a very accessible place for the majority of the valley. The
concerned folks that have issues with the airport have had the choice to move into the neighborhood
since the airport has been their long before that of the incoming people. The airport is also a place for
local businesses and there are special services offered at the airport which if it were to be moved some
businesses would lose business due to the fact they would be further away from their clients. With the
economy has it is, it would not be financially responsible to spend all the money to move the airport
when we already have the airport in a good spot to help our local businesses.
A major concern for me is that if it is moved some of the flight schools and programs that
offered at the current location would not be able to survive in a different environment. I believe that
those opportunities are good for the youth in the city and help my generation get into the business,
recreation, and joy of flying. Plus if it is moved that it would probably become more of a private airport
and the middle class and less fortunate would not be able to take part in the activity and that would be
another lost opportunity in the valley which I surely hope doesn't happen. Their for the airport should
stay at its current location for the greater good of the city and the people that call this their true home.
Orion Hutchin
FHS Aviation
Semester I — Current Event Writing Project
The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the
airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings.
Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large.
As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting
comments on the Kalispell City website?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion:
• Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades?
• Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed?
• Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley?
Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others.
http://www.dailyinterlake.conV - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport".
• http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—tol)ics news.cfm
Your assignment is:
Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with
supporting research.
Letter Format:
(Your Name and Address)
City of Kalispell
Mayor and Council
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mayor and Council,
(Letter body)
(Your name)
If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this
instructional sheet.
Name Date