01-14-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 14, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Jeff Clawson, Building Official Susie Turner, Senior Civil Engineer Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Dawn Marquardt & Debbie Shoemaker, Marquardt Surveying; Phil Neuharth; and James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 West Center — Elkins noted the drawings have been submitted and he sent them a request for more information. Public Works indicated to Sorensen they are still waiting for their request for additional information. ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview Drive — Sorensen said this item will remain on the agenda until next week. Turner said Public Works has been waiting for a month for their comments to be addressed. Sorensen said the goal would be to approve the project next week with the condition that a building permit would not be issued until all the issues have been resolved. Blue & White Motel — 640 East Idaho — Elkins noted the owner has contracted with a design professional, Mark Johnson to prepare a site plan and drawings. He has contacted Public Works regarding impact fees and there is some confusion on whether the building will be used for apartments or suites. Jentz said if the units are rented by the month it becomes an apartment building. There was further discussion regarding the need for the owner to address the failing dry wells although this issue will not be tied to site review approval. Further discussion was held regarding the dry wells and Turner noted she "suggested" the owner address the problem. NEW BUSINESS: Cenex — 55 4t" Avenue EN — Sorensen indicated the representatives from Cenex stated they were planning to attend this meeting, but have yet to arrive. Sorensen said staff has asked for a photo and a basic site plan of the property. Elkins said they are adding a utility sink between the 2 restrooms and are changing the use from hazardous storage to office space. Sorensen said there are no issues under zoning and parking. Turner said it is difficult to determine impact fees without additional information and she will call Kirk Hammerquist. The committee agreed to approve the project in site review conditional on Fire and Parks approval. Sorensen will contact them to see if there are any issues. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: 2 lot Subdivision (formerly Quizno's) —135 West Idaho — Jentz noted this is a 2 lot subdivision to accommodate a proposal to move a casino into that location. The zoning regulations prohibit casinos within 300 feet of a residential area and creating a sublot in the Quizno's portion of the building would move that portion of the building outside the 300 foot buffer. This would be processed as a waiver of preliminary plat. Issues discussed included: Fire separation requirements; cross easements for parking; and checking with parks regarding landscaping/street trees. Although there are currently separate meters, separate water and sewer lines will be required. Turner will calculate the transportation impact fees and noted there are no stormwater issues as long as they do not modify the parking lot or expand the building. Sorensen said he would check the lighting fixtures today. A conditional use permit is required and they plan to submit the application by the deadline for the March 9, 2010 planning board meeting. Jentz reported the amended applications and materials for the Willow Creek Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development have been received and are being reviewed by staff. Further discussion was held regarding lot prices, development, and architectural design of the subdivision. OTHER REPORTS: Elkins received the updated drawings for the senior living facility on 5th Avenue West. Sorensen asked to be notified when the building permit is ready so he can attach his comments. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.