12-08-09 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes:
Old Business:
New Business:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009; 7:30 a.m.,
I't Avenue East Cafe, 128 Ist Ave E
Carol Nelson; Mark Norley; Corey Johnson (Chairman);
Bill Goodman; Janet Clark; John Hinchey
City Staff—PJ Sorensen
Guests — George Varichak (Ist MT Bank/Pro-sign); Tom Menke
(Re Store); Mark Ingraham (322 1Oth Ave W)
Carol moved to approve the November 10 minutes; John seconded.
Approved 6-0.
First MT Bank — 85 N Main; new freestanding and wall signs. New sign will be slightly
further away from property line. Bill moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 6-0.
Habitat ReStore — 215 W Idaho; as presented, looks a bit tacked on. They should make
it fit between the posts. Mark moved to approve with the condition that the width be cut
down to fit within the posts; Janet seconded. Approved 6-0.
322 lot" Ave W — existing apartments; replacing flat roof with pitched roof. Will match
existing eave line. Gutters, metal roof. Hip roof. Carol moved to approve; Mark
seconded. Approved 6-0.
Other Discussion:
The Community Development Dept. will attend a meeting in the near future to discuss the
possibility of having an awards program for good architecture.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:55