01-14-04 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes —January 14, 2004
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were:
Airport Advisory Board Members
City of Kalispell Staff
Scott Richardson Dan Snyder
Pati Heath
Peter Gross
Gib Bissell Toms. Webber
Charlie Harball
Bruce Measure
Keith Robinson
Chris Kukulski
Dick Brady
Dave Ho eraser
David Schmeeckle
1. December minutes were not available and will be reviewed in January.
2. HEAR THE PUBLIC Two citizens addressed the Board
a. Peter Gross, P. O. Box 1675 Sutter Creek, CA 95685. Mr. Gross indicated that he has
the lease for site # 1 & 9 and that these hangars have been the topic of discussion and
action by the Board. He said that he wants the airport to succeed and is troubled by
the actions that have taken place and his ability to do business at the airport. He
encourages more pro -active communication. He indicated that since he has a hangar
that has been identified as one to be moved with the realignment of the runway, he has
first right to choose and reserve a site for the relocation of his hangar before other
hangars are established. Mr. Cross said he would like to be more involved at the
b. David Schmeeckle, 1101 Whitefish Stage, Kalispell. David expressed his interest in
the airport and would like to be more involved. He has provided a resume should we
determine to hire someone for maintenance or a manager/director.
3. LEASE APPROVAL — The Board approved the new lease. Pati will work with Chris &
Charlie to get it before the City Council for final approval.
4. FENCING UPDATE -- The fencing near Dianondaire has been completed and reflective tape
has been placed on fence. Scott said he and Charlie are working on easements, but with all
the snow, it has been difficult to determine property stakes. More to come.
5. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES -- Chris provided an update on the both parcels of land that
the City is trying to purchase. He mentioned that there was a meeting with the FAA on
1/13/04 to try to get in writing their agreement to reimburse the City for funds expended to
purchase the land prior to the removal of the towers. He indicated that he feels we are making
progress. Scott added that the funding might not be this year, but that it could be applied for
in next year's process. Chris said that it is in our benefit, in the eyes of the FAA, that we are
willing to spend real money to get this job done.
6. HANGAR COMMITTEE — The hangar committee reviewed the previously developed hangar
standards and is not recommending changes.
In light of Mr. Gross' comments at the opening of the meeting, a decision was made to
determine a process that will address reserving property locations for those who lease hangar
sites that will be required to move their hangars with the runway realignment. The hangar
committee will bring a proposal to the Board. Toni. & Fred will work with Phil Porrini of
Peccia & Associates and with Dick Brady to deternnine what will be necessary to include
sewer and water at the existing site that Mr. Brady would like to build on.
7. LOG BUILDING — Discussion about moving the log building to the airport continued. Pati
asked the Board to consider the cost of moving the building and the standards that they are
setting for other buildings located at the airport. To bring the current building up to standard
with a rest room, heating, etc. on top of the move will be expensive. After reviewing the
options, the Board decided not to move the log building. Pati was asked to respond to Mike
Baker that the airport would not be using the building. Pati was aware of another worthy
group that had interest in the building.
8. The current budget and expenditures were distributed. Mention was made that John Talmage
had not paid his note that was due on January 1. Charlie has sent hire a letter. One of the
guests mentioned that Mr. Talmage had been delayed for some time in Wisconsin due to bad
9. Pati asked for a volunteer to work with Kevin Kasperson on the 2004 Space Day. Dan
10. Next meeting scheduled for 2/11/04 that will be focused primarily on the Airport Business
Plan. A workshop will be held on 1/28/04 where Susan Moyer, Director of Community
Development will cover the TIF process.