11-12-03 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes —November 12, 2003
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were:
Airport Advisory Board Members
City of Kalispell Staff
Scott Richardson Shannon Nalty
Keith Robinson Tom Webber
Pati Heath Charlie Harball
Chris Kukulski Pam Kennedy
Fred Leistiko Rod Bitney
Tip Clark
1. Pati called the meeting to order.
2. The October minutes were approved. A request was submitted by Doc Dahlberg to amend the September minutes.
The Board did not move to make the amendment.
3. Fear the Public
a. Tip Clark, 189 Lakeshore, addressed the Board regarding the fence at Diamond Aire indicating that he was
concerned that the fence was unsafe and it made it difficult to get fuel.
b. Rod Bitney, 339 Hilltop, echoed Tip Clark's concern regarding the fence. He indicated that it is tight,
possibly dangerous, and will hamper plowing and maneuverability.
4. Fencing Update
a. Diamond Aire — Chris discussed the situation indicating that the City has tried many times to work with the
owners and they have not kept their agreements. In order to move forward on the fencing of the airport the
City has had to make a decision to place the fencing 50' inside of the City's property line. The gate on the
east side of the fence was the incorrect size. Originally, a 50' gate was planned. The Board reconsidered
options for the gate and decided on two (2) thirty foot rolling gates, leaving an opening of 60' . Pati will
contact Mild fence to make the change. A sign will be placed on the gate indicating the turning radius, as well
as, the already planned safety markers.
b. Property owners on the east side of the airport have been identified. Pati will provide the City Attorney with
the information to ensure gaining temporary easement arrangements along the taxiway, and that businesses
are notified of the fencing. Scott suggested that we attempt to contact the businesses in person as well.
5. Chris indicated that we are aware of several properties available for sale. They are within the new airport layout plan
and in the existing RPZ. The Board has agreed that we should pursue the purchase of the properties specifically in the
layout plan and investigate the ones in the RPZ. Purchase will be contingent on meeting the FAA appraisal process for
reimbursement and final council approval. The Board asked that we consider options to purchase.
6. The signs are ready at Signs Now. Scott will arrange pick up and set up.
7. Update on non --aviation business in Airport hangars
a. Frank Thomas has put his hangar up for sale.
b. Pete Gross has advised Pati that Creative Hot Rods has decided to move to Butte. Pete has indicated that if
anyone knows of someone who would like to rent space to please provide his number. Pete may attend the
December meeting.
8. The hangar committee did not have anything new to report. There was some discussion regarding moving the log
building onto the airport. The committee will bring a full report, including costs to the next meeting.
9. The airport will be a topic on the December 8 City Council workshop agenda. Please plan to attend.
10. Scott mentioned he will get with Mike Baker regarding the airport plow.
11. The meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM.