08-13-03 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes —August 13, 2003
The meeting began at 1:00 p.m. Present were:
Airport Advisory Board Members
City of Kalispell Staff
Scott Richardson Dan Snyder
Pati Heath
Keith Robinson Shannon Nalty
Tom Webber
1. Pati called the meeting to order.
2. There were no guests to address the Board
3. Corrections to August 6 Minutes:
a. Two appraiser contracts were reviewed and the Board unanimously (6-0) approved moving
forward with the contracts to appraise the radio towers south of town.
b. The old Airport beacon that was given to the State Aeronautics group is now at the
Missoula Museum with a history of where and how it has been used.
4. Items on the task list were reviewed. All items are updated on the task list. Several items were
discussed at length. (See attached)
S. Airport Clean -Up and Improvement Suggestions:
a. See attached list of items presented by Torn Webber. Tom worked with several different
people to develop the list.
b. Airport dean -Up day is set for Sept. 6 at 8 .AM. Many of the things on the list will be
c. Torn has solicited help from the CAP, MPA, FFA, ROTC, Operators at the Airport, and
will contact those who lease buildings at the airport.
d. Aero Inn will be the base where coffee will be served in the morning. Pati will arrange
some type of lunch.
e. Safety standards will be set. Tom will develop.
f. Scott will try to get a tractor and mower from. Mike Baker.
g. Pati will send out letters to hangar owners and Red Eagle & Diamondaire advising them
that anything around buildings must be stored in hangar or it will be removed to Wisher's at
owner's expense.
h. Tom will talk to Dave Hoerner about spiffing up the Red Eagle plane at their entrance.
6. Tom suggested establishing the VOL Corp., which would be a non-profit organization that would
be insured and could contract with the airport. This may alleviate some of the liability issues with
using volunteers. Pati agreed to speak with the City Attorney & City Manager.
7. The Board wants to use the truck & snow plow to patrol and clean-up the airport. They would also
like to use the money that we are currently paying Parks & Rec to purchase a used tractor & mower
so that the volunteer team could do the work whenever needed. Scott agreed to check with the
state and Glacier for used equipment.
S. A decision was made to move the log cabin from Lion's Park over to the airport for use as an
airport manager's office. Scott will investigate with Public works on ownership and to also
determine what will be necessary for the move and hove to get funding for the move. A floor may
be needed.
9. Pati provided Scott & Shannon with an outline for a business plan earlier this week. A meeting
will be called to begin work.
10. Pati mentioned she had spoken with Mayor Kennedy. The Mayor would like to have an update
from the Board perhaps at a mid -October workshop. Hopefully we would have the radio tower
appraisals back by then. In addition, we could update on the business plan and where we are with
moving forward on the expansion plans. Maybe even a new hangar update.
I I . Pati has been asked to get with Chris regarding finalizing all of the City Airport fencing. This is
needed to complete safety requirements and issues. One area that needs to be addressed also is the
handling of gates that are always open. what is necessary to get some homeland security money
for key card gates?
12. Shannon provided a copy of the History of Livermore Municipal Airport showing the progression
of development of a general aviation airport. (See Attached)
13. Pati discussed the easement from the current Valley Victory Church property, and the attachment
of a paved taxiway to the south end of the east taxiway. A review is being done by the City
Attorney to determine what needs to be done as there will not be a taxiway on the east side of the
airport in the future.
14. The Board discussed the need for an airport manager sooner than later. They sited the need for
airport security, collection of fees, upkeep, and the possibility of performing some of the items
necessary for an economic impact analysis. Pati agreed to speak with Chris upon his return.
15. The meeting was adjourned at 5 :10. Next meeting September 10, 2003 at 3 PM.