04-09-03 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD Minutes —April 9, 2003 The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Airport Advisory Board Members City of Kalispell Staff Guests Scott Richardson Art Thompson Chris Kukulski Glen Smith Keith Robinson Gib Bissell Pati heath Fred Leistiko Torn Weaver Mike Manion 1. Minutes of March 1 S t" meeting were approved with no changes. 2. Budget --The current budget was reviewed and discussion was held regarding the availability of the interest from the proceeds of the airport land sold previously. Currently the interest is being distributed to the airport fund. 3. Diamond Aire Update--Pati provided an update on the contract for payment with Diamond Air/Talmage. Talmage has indicated that his sister has gone into business with him and that they have refinanced the business and hope to continue growth. There has been some discussion of Red Eagle moving near Diamond Aire to use one fuel pump. 4. RF�Q--Chris provided an update on the Request for Qualifications. He indicated that we received 4 proposals and a decision was made to go with Peccia & Associates. The top two proposals were very similar, however, we have had a good working relationship with Peccia in the past and the panel decided to contract with Peccia. Peccia had been asked to respond to some additional questions and their response is attached to the minutes at the request of the advisory board. Peccia has been asked to submit a formal request detailing the scope of work and a cost estimate. Pati agreed to prepare letters for Chris' signature to all companies that provided a proposal. 5. Meetina with Monte Eliason--Chris updated the advisory board on the meeting he' and Pati had with Monte Eliason at Glacier. Monte indicated that he supported the Kalispell City Airport and felt that it was an asset to have a general aviation airport in the valley. He indicated that he was prepared to provide in -kind services to help our airport, however, he felt there was little possibility for financial help. He felt that having at least a part-time manager was a sound option although he didn't see that Glacier would want to hire someone who could be shared between the two airports. He indicated getting a good airport manager on a part time basis would be about $35,000 a year. Monte will be retiring in July but will continue to be involved behind the scenes at Glacier. Chris asked him to make a gesture to the Airport Authority indicating that he could see a tighter relationship between the two airports. The board decided to put together a presentation on where we go with an airport manager, what salary, what revenue & interest can be counted on, and a city timed defined commitment. We would then go to Monte or the Airport Authority. In addition, Pati was asked to get with Rich Hickel to determine what possibilities there are for receiving any grant dollars from the homeland security money. 5. Towers --The issue with towers south of the airport has not progressed much since the last time. There are a number of behind the scenes things happening. There has been some discussion that the towers may be required to be strobed. Montana Aeronautics is still concerned about the law and the FAA is concerned that Kalispell may not be the only location with encroachment problems effected by the 1939 law. 7. Board Terms --Chris mentioned that the terms for advisory board members is up on April 30. Those wishing to be reappointed should get a letter into Chris. we have also received some letters froze. others. S. Plow & Truck--Pati was asked to check into the plow and surplus truck that belongs to the airport. The city Parks & Rec department have been using them. Should there be a fee back to the airport? Pati agreed to check but reminded the board that the Parks & Rec department does not get paid in full for the mowing & plowing they do at the airport. 9. Hangars--Pati reported on her discussion with Peccia regarding funding the building of infrastructure for hangars through a grant. The FAA will not fund ahead of time. A decision was made to discuss what could be done regarding building using the TIF. Pati & Chris will work with Susan. 10. Beacon --Adjustments are being finalized. 11. Meeting adj ourned at 4 : 3 5 PM.