Thursday, December 31, 2009
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Jeff Clawson, Building Official Paul Burnham, Asst City Engineer
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
Guests: None.
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: Johnson reported the bonds have been or will be released for the
following projects: Super 1 Foods; Blue Heron, Phase 3; Northland Phase 2 & 3; Spring Prairie;
Ashley Park and Westview Estates. Johnson said he needs to talk to Parks regarding trees across
from the Holiday Inn Express. Sorensen noted there is a lease company sign (with a name other than
Goldberg) on the Spring Prairie property in the location of what was once planned for a Grease
Monkey shop.
OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 W Center — Burnham said stormwater information was submitted
a few weeks ago that was sent back to them but nothing new has been received.
ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview — Burnham said Public Works is still waiting for
resolution on downstream stormwater issues. Sorensen suggested the project could be
conditionally approved next week adding no building permits would be issued until after the
stormwater issues are resolved. Sorensen said he would check with Sean Conrad to see if there
are any other issues in relation to the CUP and the PILT agreement.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Sorensen mentioned the update of the city zoning regulations is
scheduled for public hearing with the planning board on January 12, 2010. He also noted the
conditional use permit for the Montana Academy group home on 1't Avenue East is scheduled for city
council on January 4, 2010.
OTHER REPORTS: Sorensen reported he spoke with someone who wants to do a zone
change on the corner of West Center Street and South Meridian so they can operate a small
restaurant. It is located across the street from the Meridian Bike Trail and is zoned I-1.
In addition, Sorensen continued, Ray of Hope is discussing acquiring the old Food Bank building
and operating a thrift store.
Johnson noted Public Works received a copy of a letter from Turner's Attorney to Sean Conrad
that indicates an easement would extend from Ashley Heights east to the Kruckenberg's "private"
easement. Castles said he pulled the letter from the city council's packet for December 21" for
their files to show this easement. Johnson said he will talk to Conrad about this issue next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.