06-27-23 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday June 27, 2023@ 7:30 AM Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Robin Spear; John Hinchey, Lincoln Murphy, Mark Pirrie OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff –Kari Barnhart # Of Guests: 5 (Zoom) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Mark moved to approve the June 13, 2023; Lincoln 2nd; approved (6-0). New Business: Signs: Bella Italia Ristorante - 302 S Main St – sign replacement in the historic district – Kari informed the committee that previous plans for painting were canceled however John and Mark advised that the building was painted over the weekend. Kari will reach out to them and advise them of the historic district requirements. Scott Blodgett from Fastsigns presented the proposed sign. Kari advised the committee that it is a legal non-conforming sign and that a face change can be made to keep the legal status. Mark moved to approve; Robin 2nd; approved (4-0). Buildings: RDO – US Hwy 93 S – building addition – Kari presented plans for the addition that are the same color and material as the existing building. Robin moved to approve with the suggestion that the landscaping be low-mow native grass mix; Mark 2nd; approved (4-0). Old Business: Other Discussion: Meeting Adjourned @ 7:40 AM