All Minutes From 1958Dec. 30, 1958 Meeting called to order by Pres. Charles Hash at 7:45. Pete McClintock and Harley Houston reported that about 4 two thousand to twenty two hundred dollars woul be available to the board from the city and county funds. UJ Dr. Huggins made a motion that Harley Houston and Pete (6) McClintock be appointe as a committee to get an area Ui map for the jurisdictional area involved. Seconded by y Mr. McKinnon and carried. Pete McClintock made a motion we contact the Columbia Falls and Whitefish boards for a joint meeting and 0 0. contact Mr. Thompson to meet with us. Seconded by Ci$ Harley Houston and carried. Motion made for secretary to get necessary applications for Federal funds. Seconded by Precy Lennon and passed. Motion made by Dr. Huggins,that this board go on record with our representatives and legislators as being in favor of ammendments to the local planning legislation. Seconded by Harley Houston and carried. Mr. Hash offered to write a letterr to them regarding this. A letter was read by Mr. Hash, received from the Evergreen Water District, and discussed by the planning board. It was decided an answer was not necessary. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P, M. a LJ U LA C Of 0 0' Oct.28, 1958 Meeting called to order by Pres. Hash at 7:4o P.M. Minutes read and accepted. Business opened with Lee Lewis presenting the idea of using Meredian Road for Truck -by -Pass. Mr. Hash explained that we were not ready to start any specefic problems until our board had set up a definite area in which we act. Any information which Mr. Lewis and his group could gathef would be of great help to our board on investigating this matter. Harley Houston presented the area which his committee thought was best for our jurisdictional area, and taxable for the original platt. This consisted of School District K5 and 50. Waggner Platt was presented and inspected. Platt was tabled until an inspection wad made for access roads. Mr. McKinnon made a motion the president appoint a committee to ascertain how much money would be made avai&able from this area and report back at the next meeting. Seconded by Charles Young and carried. Motion made by Mr. McKlintock that the jurisdictional area be made to consist of School Districts 5, K5 and 50. Seconded by Mr. McKinnon and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P. M. Oct. 7, 1958 Meeting called to order by Pres. Charles Hash. Minutes were read and corrected. Mr. Hartley gave a breif outline of the history of the county planning board. He also reported that the meeting date for the state meeting was set for Oct. 25 at Helena. Mr/ Thompson outlinedand dhightened us on the responsibilities of the planning board. Motion made by Harley Houston that we solicit any infor- mation by any group that would aid us in getting our master plan started. Seconded by Dr. Huggins and carried. Dr. Huggins suggested we get a committee tocstart some project for the next meeting. Mr. Hoiland presented his plan for closing road in Greenacres. Mr. Edge gave historical reason for keep- ing it open. Mr. Lohn acting in capacity.for the school board was in favor of keeping it open. Mrs. Bertelson asked for some kind of house numbers to be installed on Woodland Dive. Dr. Huggins made a motion to give president power to appoint members for specific jobs. Seconded by Harley Houston and carried. Motion made by Harley Houston to conduct our meetings on the last Tuesday Of each month, with the next meet- ing set for Oct. 28. Seconded and carried. Motion made by Mr. Lennon for committee to inspect and act on Northridge Platt. Motion withdrawn after discussion. Motion Made by Dr. Huggins to recommend accepting North- ridge Platt. Seconded by Mr. McClintock.Motion ammended to designate area between highway and homes to be shopping area. Motion carried. Harley Houston, Percy Lennon, Dr. Huggins were appointed as jurisdictional committee. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P. M. 0 0' t� W U) CU 0 0 Sept. 8, 1956 Flathead City County Planning Board meeting called to order by acting chairman Oscar Wendt in the Commissioners office at 7:30 P. M. Officers elected were Charles Hash, Presdent Harley Houston, Vice Presdent President was given power to find and appoint a secretary on an hourly basis for time needed in doing secretarial work. Next meeting date set far October 7. Board discussed county extension office to be incorporated in the preliminary plans for new court house. Motion made by Dr. Huggins and seconded by Forest Farris that planning board appointees terms start as of Sept. 8, 1950. Motion carried. Motion made by Mr. McKinnon that Pete McClintock contact party or parties to attend our next meeting in the matter of costs and problems which we are concerned. Two men suggested were Mr. Roys and Mr. Thompson. Motion seconded and carried. It was suggested the terms of the members be determined by the mayor and the commissioners. Me6ting adjourned at 10:20 P. M.