All Minutes From 1959ANNUAL REPORT Flathead City County Planning Bor..d held its organizational meeting Sept. 18, 1958, with appointed members; Don McKinnon, Pete McClintick, Percy Lenon, Dr. Huggins, Charles Young, Charles Hash, Forest Farris, and commissioner Oscar Wendt present. Election was held electing Charles Hash, President and Forest Farris Secretary. Second meeting Oct. 7, 1958. We entertained the company of Mr. Hartley and Mr. Thompson who gave us an outline of our duties and projects before us. We set the last Tuesday of each month as our regular meeting date. Also in the month of October, Harley Houston gave us the area his committee had set up for our jurisdictional area, which included district 5, K5 and 50. At our December meeting a committee was appointed to get a jurisdictional map made up, and it was decided to meet jointly with Columbia Falls and Whitefish. Our board went on record as being in favor of ammendments to the local planning legislation. Feb. 26, 1959, we met jointly with the Columbia Falls and Whitefish boards, with Mr. Hartley and Mr. Thompson present. At this meeting Mr. Thompson and Associates were instructed to start immediately on our master plan with the provision that $2300 of work be completed by July 1, 1959• August 13 meeting. Mr Thompson was present and gave summary of work which had been done on the master plan. It was reported that the $2300 had been paid. At this meeting it was decided to present our application for matching federal funds to govd-th the approximate $2800 which we would have through our )� mill levy over our jurisdictional area. Dec. 31, 1959• Charles Hash and Forest Farris filed the jurisdictional map with the county clerk and recorder. December 21, 1959 Meeting called to order by President Hash at 7:30 P. M. with four members present, Pete McClintick, Clifford Vinge, Charles Hash, and Forest Farris present. A general discussion of whdLt should be done and committees which should be appointed in the near future. No action was taken because of lack of a quaram. It was suggested the secratary prepare an annual report to be presented at the next meeting. The next rm eting date was set for Jan. 26, 1960. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M- Forest E. Farris, Sec. Q August 13, 1959 Meeting was called to order by president Charles Hash at 8:30 P. M. with six board members and ten visitors present, and Mr. Hartley, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Sowerwine as consultants. President Hash asked for any specific problems to be brought before the board by the visitors, which there were none. Mr. Thompson gave a summary of what has been done on our plans, and pfesented area maps, also explained the next step was to check populationand it's trend, zoning , survey of economy, major streets and the layout of same. It was. reported that $2300.00 has been paid Ronald Thompson and.Associatesto date; with an alternative of three programs, $10000.00 for our plans if we continue alone, $9,800.00 if we enter into contract with Columbia Falls, and $8,700.00 if Columbia Falls, Whitefish and Kalispell enter into a three party plan. The amount paid ($2300.00) to apply on any of the mentioned contracts. It was explained that a /2 mill Devy would raise about $2800.00. Mr. McKinnon made a motion that we submit our application for federal funds to Mr. Hartley and instruct him to present it immediately to the proper federal agency. Motion seconded by Mr. Lennon. Mr. Sowerwine informed us that the state planning board ° has three or four films which are available. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Forest E. Farris, Sec. Mar. 20, 1959 Special meeting for the porpose of revfUng the contract furnished by Mr. Thompson and associates. After some discussion it was decided that Mr. Hash, Mr. McClintock, and Mr. Lennon meet next week with Mr. Thompson for the purpose of outlining more specific work to be done in the initial phgse of our Master Plan. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P. M, 0 Feb. 26, 1959 The Kalispell, Columbia Falls, and Whitefish boards meet jointly with -Mr. Hartley and Mr. Thompson present to discuss planning matters and the cost of master plans. After the joint meeting each group held their own planning sessions. The Kalispell board acted as follows. Motion by Mr. McKinnon for the county to alocate their money to the three citties and the cities to make their contributionsand each city to enter into their own contract with the consultant. Seconded by Harley Houston and carried. Motion made for Mr. Thompson and associates to start immediatley on Kalispell City -County Planning Master Plan and provide twenty three hundred dollars worth of work by July lst., according to proposaland contingent for th whole job.