All Minutes From 19630 March 26, 1963
The regular meeting of the Flathead -Kalispell City -County Planning
Board was called to order by President Hash, March 26, 1963, at
8:00 P. M. at the County Commissioners Office.
Present were:
Charles Hash
Clifford Vinje
Harley Houston
Pete Mc Clintick
Frank Zenon
Forest Farris
President, Charles Hash, read parts of new planning law and ex-
plained as enacted by last legislature. One -dollar of planning
board money will be matched by $3.00 federal money for planning
Motion was made by Cliff Vinje and seconded by Charles Hash to
appropriate $50.00 from our funds for Redevelopment Secretary
wages. Motion Carried.
Discussion was held on commissioners appointing full number of
board members and Mayor appoint members to fill their vacancies.
A motion was made by Harley Houston and seconded by Pete Mc Clintick
to pay expenses of two experts of the Area Redevelopment Board
for synopsis of their reports. Motion Carried.
Bills presented and paid to Charles Hash $5.63 for phone and
postage and Matthew Bender Co. $10.00 for supplements to
Planning and Zoning.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p. m.
Balance of planning board budget as of April 1, 1963 is
$2181.36. Claims paid during April amounted to 47.63 leaving
a balance of $2133.73-
Forest Farris