All Minutes From 1964The regular meeting of the Flathead-11alispe 11 City -County Planninp, Board was called to order by President Charles Hash, June 30, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. at the Commissioners Office at. the Courthouse. Present were: Harley Houston Pete McClintick Harry Kilpatrick David Klehm 11 Charles Hash Clifford Vinje Forest Farris Motion was made by Houston, seconded by &IcClintick to retain present amount on books be retained for 1964-65. Budget was voted on and approved. Hash sup, -rested we pick an area of our interest to work up ideas pertaining to improvement of respect- ive area as well as to tying it in with future improvement and planned zoning. Harry Kilpatrick, Forest Farris were astigned Northwest area; suggested we get help from progressive builders. Charles Hash and Cliff Vinje, Greenacres area; Dave Kleham, Evergreen area; Houston and McClintick, city area and south and west joininsr city. The meetin; adjourned at 9;00 P.M — Forest Farris Secretary