12-09-86 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1986 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Charles Manning at 7:35 AND ROLL CALL p.m. Those present were Trippett, Manning, Reynolds, Gunnerson, Hall, Treweek, and Stephens. Those absent were Sloan and LeDuc. David Greer, Senior Planner at the Flathead Regional Development Office, was also present. APPROVAL OF MIN- Reynolds moved to approve the minutes of the November 13, 1986 UTES OF NOVEMBER meeting as submitted. Trippet seconded the motion and it passed 13, 1986 unanimously. SIGN REGULATIONS Manning introduced the agenda topic: Discussion of strategies and procedures for initiating the preparation of sign regulations for the City of Kalispell. He called on Greer to give a staff report. Greer stated that last year the Board had decided to include in their work program the preparation of a sign ordinance for Kalispell. The work program was to go to the Countywide Administrative Board but was never reviewed by them and was, never adopted. But last month the Board requested that this project be pursued anyway. Therefore, the Staff has come up with some strategies for starting this process. Last fall the Kalispell Development Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce were asked if they were interested and they both responded that they would be interested in being involved. This will not be an easy task as there are a lot of things to be considered. Some of the general issues to be considered are as follows: 1. Jurisdictional Application a. City-wide b. City-wide with specific criteria for designated areas 2. Signs exempt from review and regulations. 3. Prohibited categories of signs. 4. Permitted locations of signs. 5. Allowable types and numbers of signs per business. 6. Scale, shape, design of permitted signs. 7. Lighting standards. 8. Construction standards. ((' \ 9. Desing review committee. \�' 1 10. Amortization Schedules. 11. Non —conformity of existing signs. 12. Permit application procedures. 13. Compliance procedures. 14. Enforcement. Greer stated that he recommends that there be an ad hoc committee set up in order to work out the issues and then bring their recommendations to the Planning Board. He suggested that the committee would be represented by all of the special interest groups and others that would have an interest in sign regulations. Greer stated he has contacted various individuals to see if they would be interested in serving on this committee. He suggested the following: A member of the Kalispell City —County Planning Board Nick Haren of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Ross Plambeck of the Kalispell Development Corporation Larry McCrae of the Montana Innkeepers Gordon Pirrie of the Uptown Merchants Association James Vidal, local attorney Tom Samuel of City Architecture Review Committee Tim Dowell of the Certified Cities Program A member of the Kalispell City Council Gary Hoxmer of Western Neon Or Steve Fromm of Northwest Electric Sign Stephens stated that a sign ordinance should come from the people that are involved. He felt that this was a good approach. Trippet.stated that there was a committee before in the 1970's and that Gary Collier had worked on it at that time. He asked Gary Collier if he had any comments. Collier stated that he was on a sign committee for the Chamber of Commerce for about one year and it was determined at that time that it would not serve a good purpose. He stated that even before that Steven Petrini of the old APO got this thing going then. He stated that when the County Comprehensive Plan was being proposed there was a motion at the Eagle's Hall which was passed that said there would never be a sign ordinance as part of the Comprehensive Plan for the City or the County. He stated that he felt that the sign ordinance would create an impossible situation and put regulations on the sign companies that are hard to comply with. Hall felt that the cost involved in policing the sign ordinance would be prohibitive. He felt that the line needed to be drawn somewhere. Trippet stated that he was opposed to the City having a sign r. ,1 ordinance saying that this was just another step in the creeping \J paralysis. 2 Reynolds felt that it has been self -policed long enough and was not sure whether he wanted to add to the load. He thought there were other things that are more important to be considering. Gunnerson asked why. the Planning Board needed to be involved with it. Manning stated that this is an issue that has been discussed for sometime. He added that it is his philosophy that it should come from the sign people and those involved. He also pointed out that there is a sign ordinance in the County Zoning Regulations and, whenever a county zone is adopted in the extra -territorial area, a sign ordinance is also adopted. Greer confirmed this. On this basis, Manning stated that the only place to dovetail a sign ordinance would be with the zoning ordinance. The entire city should be looked at rather than just the central business district. Trippet agreed that it should be city-wide. Manning asked for a copy of the minutes of that meeting, that Gary Collier alluded to, to find out what was said. He favored an ad hoc committee looking at it finding out if there is support for this. Motion Trippet moved that the city -county planning board look into issues pertaining to sign regulations. Discussion followed and Trippet withdrew his motion for lack of a second. Collier stated that in previous instances no one has come forward saying that a sign ordinance is needed. Greer stated that it seemed that the Board was second guessing what the outcome of this ordinance would be. There are so many flexibilities with a sign ordinance and existing signs can continue to exist under a grandfather clause. The choices available are not known until you start working through it. He added that in calling various people to serve on an ad hoc committee some expressed their feeling that there is a need for a sign ordinance. He suggested that an ad hoc committee be set up and let them suggest whether it should be pursued or not. Motion Hall moved that an ad hoc be formed under the jurisdiction of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission to review the need only for a sign ordinance with a strict look at the economics of such an ordinance. Trippet seconded the motion and it. Stephens asked if a time frame should be stated. Hall stated that he would add to his motion that the ad hoc committee should report back in three months to the Board. Trippet accepted the amendment and seconded the amendment to the motion. Question was called on the amendment to motion and it passed unanimously. Question was called on the main motion and it passed by a majority of those present with Trippet voting nay on the motion. Motion Trippet moved to nominate Brent Hall to represent the Kalispell City - County Planning Board and Zoning Commission on this ad hoc committee. Gunnerson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3 Motion Hall moved to ask Gary Collier from the sign companies to serve on the committee. Collier accepted. The board appointed him. The Board further selected the following people to serve on the committee in addition to the above two named individuals: Nick Haren Larry McCrae Ross Plambeck James E. Vidal Tom Samuel Tim Dowell Motion Trippet moved to include representatives of all the major sign Steve Fromm, on the ad companies, which would include Gary Hoxmer and the motion and it passed hoc committee. Reynolds seconded unanimously. Manning asked Greer to inform these people and get a meeting going. Motion Reynolds moved that all of the above named people be asked to serve the motion and it passed on the ad hoc committee. Treweek seconded unanimously. REDUCTION OF Manning introduced the next agenda item: Discussion of strategies in ZONES and procedures for reducing the number of zoning classifications from Greer. the City of Kalispell. He asked for a report Greer stated that there are over 30 zoning districts in the city of the City Attorney and they Kalispell. He stated that he has talked to Pandora's Box. They feel that they would like do not want to open up to blend these zones and not create different zones. He recommended that the approach to use is to try to take the zones that exist in that exist the Downtown Redevelopment Area and try to merge the zones be reduced to about outside that area into those zones so that it can take the table of uses that are 13 zones. One way to do this is to included in the Kalispell Zoning Regulations and compare this with the uses in the Downtown Zones and then come back with a be changed recommendation on how these zoning designations can He felt that it without changing the zoning of various properties. f easible task and felt that by next month he could have a more was a complete report of what would be involved. Manning asked Greer if he knew how many public hearings it might take to blend the zoning classifications? Greer stated that there might have to be two or three zone classifications combined into one zone c;assification. He felt that one firm recommendation. The Board would not be required to hold a public hearing unless it became very complicated. He felt that one recommendation might cover it. BOARD TERM Manning int d the membersdiscussion recomme elation upcoming of term individualsexpirations for of EXPIRATIONS five (5) Board {�1 appointment to the Board. 4 Those terms expiring are Hall, Gunnerson, LeDuc, Stephens, and Sloan. Greer explained that even though Hall lives in the City he can represent the County because he is a citizen member whereas LeDuc has to live in the County because he is an official member. Greer stated that Sloan has expressed an interest in continuing but that he has not talked to LeDuc. Greer suggested that the member -at -large could be voted on right now. Trippet disagreed with the suggestion saying that the member -at -large had to be voted on by the entire Board and there would not be a full board until next month as well as that person needed to be approved by the County and City. Manning asked if there is some way to get approval of the selection from the County and the City by the next meeting. Greer stated that the easiest way would be to vote on it right now. Manning agreed. Motion Trippet moved to elect John Gunnerson to be the member -at -large for the coming year. Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PROPOSED ZONING Manning introduced the next item on the agenda: Review of proposed DISTRICT BOUND- zoning district boundaries for an area east and south of the ARIES OUTSIDE the Kalispell City limits. CITY LIMITS Greer suggested that next month there should be another informational meeting and at that time make available to the public some specific proposals on boundaries for zoning classifications in this area. It will give the people an opportunity to look at what is proposed. This will give them a chance to ask more specific questions. Trippet stated that some of the property owners were present who reside in the area of Four Corners. He and Manning suggested that they come forward and look at the map. Trippet stated that there is quite a pocket of diverse uses in that area. He also stated that most of those businesses in that area are actually light industrial and residential when it is being proposed to be commercial. One of the owners felt that most of them would be non -conforming and therefore would not be able to expand or rebuild once the area was zoned commercial. Trippet suggested that these people in this area should come in with a petition to zone the area as light industrial. One of the land owners stated that on his property he harvested hay on a portion of the property, has five mobile homes and five businesses on the property. How would you classify this property into a zone? He did not want to be zoned any classification. He felt that the neighbors next to him should tell him if he is doing something that offends them but not someone ten miles away. One of the other landowners suggested that to zone the property differently than it is being used was wrong. Trippet stated that he thought to zone it the way it is being used would be contrary to the Master Plan. Greer stated that this is all up for review so that everyone can have their say in this. Manning added that this is being done at the U 5 request of the County Commissioners. He further added that the Board � is only a fact finding body and will make a recommendation to the 1\ i1 County Commissioners. Manning also stated that if they had a specific zoning request they could petition the County Commissioners. Greer explained the meaning of non -conforming use in a zone. He also added that when an area is given a zoning classification it must be in substantial conformance to the Master Plan. If it is not going to conform, then a Plan Amendment needs to be done. Greer also explained that there are two separate processes for asking for zoning and explained those processes. Manning suggested that smaller areas be looked at at the next informational meeting. Motion Trippet moved to have an informational meeting in mid -January at the H Robinson Vo-Ag Center. Hall seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Manning asked how progress was proceding on the Planning Conference? Greer stated that still looking at February or March and that work will continue on it. Mayor Kennedy expressed his appreciation for the members of the Board service to the Community. tom, NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT Gunnerson moved to adjourn and Treweek seconded the motion. It passed -a }',e meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Approved: A Ava Walters, Recording Secretary