East Oregon Speed_Volume Public Comment from Tim DufficyHello, I would like to request attention and action for traffic speed and volume on East Oregon St, between 93 and Whitefish Stage. There are many families with kids who live on or near E Oregon street, and the number of cars and semi-trucks and the speed at which they drive creates dangerous neighborhood traffic for all of us. This danger seems unnecessary considering the main roadway of Idaho St is two streets away, and a majority of vehicles use E Oregon as a quick bypass, not for accessing the East North neighborhood. If nothing can be done to route more traffic to Idaho Street, I would like to support any efforts to add speed bumps similar to those recently added to Denver Ave. Please consider using plenty of speed bumps so that they are truly effective, and additional traffic calming methods, such as road narrowing etc. Please notify me by email response to timpdufficy@gmail.com that this email has been received and how it will be addressed. Thank you for your time and consideration, Tim Dufficy