DECEMBER 11, 1990
CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Therese Fox Hash, Chairman, at
AND ROLL CALL 7:04 p.m. Those present were Manning, Hash, Hall, Fraser, Stephens,
Gould, Lopp, Sloan, and Kennedy. David Greer, Senior Planner,
represented the Flathead Regional Development Office.
APPROVAL OF MIN- Gould moved to approve the minutes as submitted for the meeting held
UTES NOVEMBER 13 on November 13, 1990. Lopp seconded the motion and it passed
1990 unanimously.
ZONE CHANGE FOR Hash introduced the -request by D. B. Lister to amend the Willow Glen
D.B. LISTER Area Zoning District (Resolution #654A) by changing the zoning
classification of a tract of land described as Tract 1 of Certificate
of Survey #9559, Records of Flathead County, Montana, from
Residential R-2 to General Business B-3.
Greer summarized the staff report, concerning this request. He
reviewed the 12 public interest criteria. The conclusion of the staff
report was that the proposal was in conformance with the Kalispell
City -County Master Plan and appears to be the best fit for the
property since it is highway oriented and is predominantly influenced
by adjoining commercial uses. The staff recommended approval of the
zone change as requested.
Greer added that a letter in opposition to the proposal was received
from M & S Services, Larry O. Streeter. He is an adjoining landowner
to the north and suggests that it should remain residential as there
is enough commercial in the vicinity.
Public Hearing Hash opened the public hearing calling for comment from proponents.
Hearing none, Hash called for comments from opponents. There were
none and the public hearing was closed.
Board Discussion Sloan asked if there is commercial property in front of the subject
property. Greer stated that there is a vacant lot between H O Motor
Supply and the Quick Lube. On the east of the lot is the industrial
type use. The Quick Lube extends back almost to be adjacent to the
property. The easement to this lot goes through the vacant lot in
Fraser asked if the easement was adequate for a commercial use road?
Greer stated that the easement was 30 foot and according to building
codes that would be adequate.
Gould asked about the easement being granted by Streeter? Greer
stated that at one time the property was all owned by D. B. Lister
and the parcel owned by Streeter had been sold to him by Mr. Lister
with the easement already on the Certificate of Survey at the point
^ ` of sale. Greer felt that it was probably Mr. Lister conveying his own
Loop asked if Tract 4LH
was vacant? Greer stated that it has an
industrial type use.
Hash asked what had been
the past use of the property since Mr.
Streeter indicates it had
been agricultural and Mr. Lister indicated
that a business had been
on it. Greer stated that he was not sure
since primarily it is a
weed patch. He also pointed out that the
property has been subject
to a lot of boundary line adjustments so
this tract is not the same
configuration it has been.
Fraser felt that since
the Zoning Regulations stated that the
property should be fronting on major arterials for the business
classification he did not
know if this proposal was in the best
interest of the area or
to create a situation 'of utilizing an
easement to access a business property.
Manning asked what the use
of Tract 4Y was? Greer stated that it was
Hash asked how far from Highway 35 the tract was located? Greer felt
that it was probably 165 feet and the entire tract would be within
250 feet of the highway.
Motion Gould moved to adopt the findings of fact found in the FRDO Staff
Report #FZC-90-5 and to recommend approval of the change in zoning.
Fraser seconded the motion. The motion passed by a majority with Hall
voting no and Fraser abstaining.
MILTON CARLSON Hash introduced the proposal for a conservation easement for a 19+
CONSERVATION acre tract of land in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West,
EASEMENT REQUEST P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
Greer gave a staff report summarizing the details of the request. He
showed the area involved by a map on the wall. The easement follows
Grandview Drive on the west and then extends up to where the right-
of-way alignment for Grandview would extend towards Evergreen Drive.
The reason it is before the Planning Board is because state law
requires the local planning jurisdiction to review and give a
recommendation before such an easement can be recorded. The comments
are merely advisory in nature. The grantors wish to maintain the
ecological value of their property and they intend to grant this
easement to the Flathead Land Trust for their care. Some of the
requirements of this easement are that the property remain in its
present natural condition and no roads be built on it. He noted that
this property does extend up to where the right-of-way alignment
would extend between the Community College and Evergreen Drive across
the river. The road is shown on the Master Plan map as a collector in
the future. This conservation easement could interfere with the
future acquisition of property to extend West Evergreen Drive over
the Stillwater River. Theoretically it would affect the northerly 30
to 60 feet of this property.
Milton Carlson gave the rationale for this. He stated that the law
has been on the books for 15 years. In considering all the factors of
�zoning and land use and it was felt that anytime you could further
restrict land use it would be for the benefit of the people living
here in the future as well as a benefit for property values.
Fraser stated that he agreed with Greer's concern about the potential
for a road to go east and west from West Evergreen Drive as well as
the future possibility of the widening of Grandview Drive right-of-
way. Fraser asked if there was a chance that the easement could be
re -written to allow these two activities.
Milton Carlson felt that could be accomplished by use of the
condemnation laws.
Sloan stated that having sat on the TAC Committee the extension of
West Everqreen Drive over to Grandview is not necessarily a priority.
Gould asked where the area was in relationship to the Stillwater
River. Milton Carlson stated two-thirds of the area was in the 100
year floodplain.
Motion Fraser moved to recommend approval of the conservation easement as
presented. Lopp seconded the motion and it passed by a majority with
Sloan abstaining.
—`KALISPELL ZONING Hash introduced the proposed comprehensive amendment (rewrite) of
ORDINANCE REWRITE Kalispell Zoning Ordinance No. 1110. Hash stated that
the purpose of
the public hearing is to take input from the public.
She added that
the Board would not be voting on the amendment yet
and that there
would be future workshops and hearings on the matter.
She introduced
five letters in favor of the zoning ordinance amendment proposal. The
letters were from Architects Design Group, Kalispell Development
Corporation, Great Northern Llama Co. - Steve and Sue
Rolfing, Arthur
E. Otto, and City Manager Bruce Williams concerning
Design Review.
She also added that there will not be proponents
and opponents
sections but rather that all can make their comment.
Greer gave a brief staff report summarizing the history and
highlighting the major changes to the present Kalispell Zoning
Ordinance. He pointed out that this ordinance is only applicable to
property within the city limits of Kalispell.
Public Hearing Hash opened the public hearing calling for comments from any who
wished to speak in favor or against the proposed amendment to the
Kalispell Zoning Ordinance.
Jim Pannell, Myhre Advertising, stated that their sign activity falls
under the five year amortization schedule. He stated that is terribly
complex and that their attorney is responding to this issue within
the next couple of weeks. Their business cannot deal with
prohibition. They do not see the issues as being black or white but
/ \ more in the gray vein. They asked for a middle ground in the process.
He felt the change at this point would be actually anti -business. He
\ /
stated that they subscribed to standards in size for outdoor
` advertising defined by the Outdoor Advertising Asso. of America. Size
is of paramount importance for the purposes that people use. He added
that they cannot function under 300 square feet. He stated that they
feel that the proposed sign portion of the ordinance would threaten
the existence of Mvrhe's Business in the valley. They feel that joint
cooperation is a more appropriate way to resolve the issues than
Nick Haren, Kalispell Area Chamber of Commerce, reiterated their
support of land use planning and sign regulations and look forward to
the ultimate finished document.
Bruce Lutz, representing the Kalispell Development Corporation,
stated his agreement with Nick Haren. He felt that it was time for
Kalispell to begin looking at signage just as they do with design
review and land use. The KDC is a pro -development organization. He
hoped that the ordinance would end up being one that is right for
Chuck Anderson, owner of Gold Nugget Casino, stated that they
invested lot of money in their signage and abided by the existing
codes. They felt that it is unfair to ask them to remove what they
have built in good faith. Other communities have consistently
grandfathered all signage that was built in good faith. The least
that they wished the Board to consider existing signs that were built
in good faith be grandfathered as they are.
Dan Ringquist, Ringquist Signs, stated that he was not against
regulations. He stated that some of the problem that is existing now
is that there has been poor communication and some people have
obtained wrong information. He asked that the sign people be given a
voice in the sign regulations section. He asked that the Board will
give the people who know the sign business a chance to discuss this
business as it is very complex.
Charlene Lowitz, owner of Teachers and Kids Too, asked about arrow
signs and whether it will be grandfathered. She felt that the people
who have non -conforming signs should be allowed to keep them and for
them to be grandfathered.
Gary Hoxmer, Western Neon Sign Company, still feels somewhat opposed
to this sign code. He felt there needs to be a sign code but that the
proposed code was the wrong one. He felt that there are so many
provisions in this proposed code that were ridiculous. He felt that
this city was different that other cities where this sign code was
taken from. He added that since Montana is getting into the gambling
picture that will change the type signs on the landscape. The type of
sign at the Gold Nugget is gambling oriented. He felt there are a lot
of places where flashing bulbs, neon, etc. have their place.
Hash suggested that the sign company owners should go through the
proposed sign ordinance point by point and submit their suggestions
to the planning board.
,--� Beverly Mason, partner in Masonized Dry Cleaning, suggested there
should be a grandfather clause for existing businesses. It is an
undue financial burden to give up something they have put a great
deal of money in. She felt that the amount of signage according to
the zoning should be considered.
Tom Hines, Anderson Theatre Company, expressed concern for the sign
code stating that he felt the Strand Theater Sign would be in
jeopardy. He felt that the sign that associated with that theater was
a historical landmark due to the length of time that sign has
existed. It is one of the last neon signs on a theater in Montana. He
felt that the Strand sign is art and he would hate to see us lose
that sign just because we are trying to get rid of flashing lights.
Gary Therrien, Western Neon, asked Greer if exposed neon tubing is
illegal by the proposed regulations. Greer stated that nowhere does
it say it would be prohibited. It apparently indicated that it might
be illegal in an earlier version of the draft ordinance. Mr.. Therrien
also asked about how the calculation of sign face works. Greer stated
that calculating the sign face is shown in the definitions chapter.
Mr. Therrien stated that he has a problem with the conditions placed
on reader boards.
Gould again asked about how neon is regulated by the proposed
regulations. Greer stated that if the neon is not flashing it is not
regulated by these proposed regulations.
Larry McCrea, Outlaw Inn, stated that the proposed widening of
Highway 93 would probably affect the possibility of grandfathering
signs such as the one that the Outlaw Inn has. Most of the businesses
along that part of the city would have to relocate their signs and
under the current proposal those signs would not have grandfather
status. This will eliminate the opportunity for amortization that
each of those businesses would deserve.
Steve Cervantes, Community Development Director, felt that this
regulation was very lenient. He wanted to go on record as supporting
the regulations as written with some fine tuning. He gave some
pictures to the planning board taken of signs that showed
uncontrolled signage. He reiterated that there is a need to regulate
and control signage.
Eloise Hill stated that she would like to see the Bed and Breakfast
portion of the regulations strengthened. She felt that current
regulations were wishy washy and that she preferred the proposed
regulations. Just being nominated for the listing as a Historical
place does not give the Board of Adjustment the necessary regulations
to consider. She felt there should be a time frame to comply if they
are just nominated. She felt that the people who run the Bed and
Breakfast should also be the owners of the establishment.
Gary Collier, Kalispell Sign Company, stated that he is against the
sign regulations. Why do we have to keep taking a sign ordinance out
of Colorado? He also had a problem with the setback requirements for
~~` signs. The sign companies do not design the signs they do what the
(`\ customer wants. He asked why a sign regulations could not be written
that reflects Kalispell instead of others.
There being no further comments, Hash closed the public hearing.
Recess At this time the Board took a five minute recess at 8:35 p.m.
Reconvene Hash reconvened the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
OLD BUSINESS Greer stated that several members of the Board will have terms
expiring at the end of December. Those whose terms expire are Hash,
Manning, Hall, Sloan, and Stephens. All indicated that they would
like to remain on the Board for another term.
NEW BUSINESS Discussion centered on the next step for the Kalispell Zoning
Kennedy felt that the Council is supportive of getting the
regulations in place soon. Hash felt there should be a workshop now
to consider these comments and any other comments yet to be received.
Kennedy asked Greer to write to all the sign companies and request
their written comments by January 1. Greer said he would and that the
January meeting would be their workshop on these regulations.
ADJOURNMENT Sloan moved to adjourn and Fraser seconded. The meeting was adjourned
Therese Fox Hash, Chairperson
�� �/�/
Approved: ` / / ' ' '
Ava Walters, Recording Secretary