Dangerous Road Public Comment from AnonymousGood morning. My Daughter and I reside on Appleway Dr. Applewood was quiet for years, only the residents seemed to have used it. Now it is being used as a “cut through” for people to avoid the intersection at Meridian and HWY 2. There are only three apartment complexes on Appleway so we have numerous children that played outside including my own child. Now children are unable to play in their own neighborhood due to the increased traffic and the ridiculous speed at which people are traveling. The speed limit is only 30 but we have people traveling the 1/4 mile long road at highway speeds. Not only are we dealing with a huge increase in traffic traveling at highway speeds, we are now having people parking their cars along the side of the road which isn’t wide enough to allow for cars to pass in both directions. It seems that the Kalispell Police Department don't enforce traffic laws so was hoping that some speed bumps could be randomly placed along the entire stretch of Appleway to reduce the speed and making it safer for the people that actually live on Appleway. Thank You