MAY 8, 1990
CALL TO ORDER the meeting was called to order by Stephen Herbaly,
Planning Director
AND ROLL CALL of the Flathead
Development Office, at
7.-00 p.m. These
present for the
City -County Planning
Board and Zoning
Commission were
Hash, Hall, Fraser,
Stephens, Gould,
Carothers, Sloan,
and Furlong.
There were no absentees.
Those present
for the flathead County
Planning Board were
T-icken, Hedstrom,
Tutvedt , Wetzel,
Robock.er, ,
McCartney and Bartlett.
Those absent were
Da£ -.in and Wilson.
PLAN Stephen Herbaly introduced the purpose of the meeting and described
the plan amendment that was to be under consideration b; Moth Boards.
The plan amendment is a request by LHC, Incorporated to amend the
Kalispell City -County Master Flan and the Flathead County Master Plan
by an addendum to those plans in the form of a "Neighborhood Plan".
The Neighborhood Plan would serve to establish guidelines for the
future development of specific properties. The properties subject to
the proposed Neighborhood Plan are generally described as being
situation in the N2 of Section _:+, Township 29 North, Range 21 des?,
F.M=M.i S2 SE4 of Section; 19, Township 29 North, Range 21 West,
P.M.M.; and portions of land lying between the Stillwater River and
U.S. Highway 93 in Section 25, Township 29 North, Range 22 hest,
Montana. He stated that since
t-'.i1.��., Flathead County, � � the area
addressed by the Neighborhood Plan of LHC was in both the Kalispell
City -County Master clan area and the Flathead County Master Plan area
both Boards were present so that a joint public hearing could be
held. He noted that the Flathead County Planning Board would be
addressing their concern for the area covered b the Flathead County
Master Flan whereas the Kalispell City -County ;Master- Plan would be
addressed by the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning
Commission. Herbaly detailed the reasons why the developers of the
property had to seek a change in the two Master Plans. LHC, Inc. is
proposing to develop a destination resort and golf course on the
property Lander consideration.
Staff Review Herbaly called for David Greer, Senior Planner at Flathead Regional
Development Office, to give the staff report concerning the proposed
Neighborhood Plan.
Greer- predicated his remarks stating that basically what is being
proposed is shown by a map he indicated on the wall. The Neighborhood
Plan will try to narratively explain the concept. Basically, the
concept is to have the commercial portions of the development
adjoining Highway GO and the residential Lases to the east and near
Whtiefish Stage Road. In between the commercial and residential will
be the Golf Coarse. This Plan takes _. specific site or group of
properties and creates a more detailed planning analysis for that
area. This Plan will form the basis for a number of other activities
that will take place. Subsequent zoning that may be needed to
accomplish this must be in conformance to the Master Plan; therefore
any zoning that takes place would be consistent with any Plan
Amendment. To build the golf course, a conditional use permit will be
needed. In order to build the townhouses and single family
residences, a subdivision process will have to be pursued. In order
to place the commercial entities there may be some zoning processes
such as conditional use permits. All of these processes will require
subsequent public hearings before specific Boards. Greer discussed
the plan format. Greer stated that the introduction was an overview
of what is intended to be accomplished on the site. The staff's
question is that since this is an addendum to the two Master Flans
that it should be more generic and less personal and more objective.
The goal for the overall.project oject is to build a golf course that will
incorporate _ hotel, convention facilities and a planned community
development in townhouses and single family residences. All of the
policies spew: to how they will accomplish this task. Policy 1 deals
with building a championship golf courses They need to note that this
is the primary focus of the development and that it will precede
other commercial and residential uses. At this point, they are only
.addressing the properties on the east side of Highway 93. There is
manor discussion of developing property to the west of Highway 93
into golf course as well. The golf course will be central to the
development. Policy L addresses building a hotel and destination
resort center= They propose doing a market stud; before pursuing this
goal. The complex may also include activities for non -golfers and
winter recreation. eation. The need has not been identified yet and perhaps
the commercial area should be downsiWd pending future market
studies. Greer questioned snowmobiling as a winter activity in this
facility. Policy 3 promotes the use of landscaping and open spaces
There needs to be more emphasis on landscaping of parking lots,
substantial setbacks from the highway and to landscape the highway
frontage more fully. ;Policy- 4 deals with designated areas for
commercial and residential uses. Greer felt that there needed to be
more defined limitations on allowable uses. Greer also felt that 50
acres of commercial development would be excessive and should be
downsized or more appropriately defined. Greer felt that the
landscaping and destination concepts may conflict with Objective A
which speaks to the facilities being adjacent to the highway and
visible. He also felt that they needed to know the severing intent of
nomesitese Policy .5 deals with architecture. e, Greer felt that the plan
needed to spell out the role of the homeowners' association and more
emphasis is needed On the requirement ement for commercial architecture
review. Policy 1 is to promote She destination resort 3hor ugh land
use regulation. He felt that they needed to elaborate on encouraged
uses and uses not to be encouraged. They are proposing the County
Resort Commercial zone for the commercial areas and RA-1 zoning for
some of the residential area with a pud overlay. Policy 7 deals with
transportation and addresses an internal road system. Greer felt
there needed to be more details on the internal road access and
limitation of access onto Whitefish Stage Roads He felt that the road
system should possibly be built to the city standards. Geer felt
that there needs to be more pursuit of the widening of Whitefish
(� Stage Road by property dedication etc. Policy G addresses utilities.
Greer felt they should use both City of Kalispell water and sewer in
order to avoid jurisdictional headaches. They will also be using the
I ) Stillwater Fiver for irrigation of the golf course and landscaping.
Policy 9 deals with public safety in terms of fire protections The
properties are in the West '.Valley Pyre District and Greer felt that
all development should be coordinated with them in terms of design of
buildings to the capabilities of the affected fire jurisdiction and
placement of fire hydrants etc. Greer added that the staff feels that
the Neighborhood Flan approach is a positive way of planning the uses
fora large tract of land.
Gene Phillips, Vice President of LHC, asked if it would be
appropriate to hold their comments until the public has had an
opportunity to state their concerns. Herbaly agreed.
Public Hearing Herbaly opened the public hearing by calling for comments from
proponents asking that comments be directed to the chair ;himself).
Daniel Rippey, Superior God Farm, was enthusiastic about the plan.
Dale Haarr stated that he was pleased to see this type of project
presented. It addresses all the problems up front and saw nothing
negative about the concept. The need for golf courses is very
critical. The Kalispell Golf Course ,s very overcrowded and is being
overplayed. The need is definitely there.
Paul Wachhol=, Real Estate Agent, said that it is always good to see
someone get ahead of what is going to happen in the Valley. This will
be an economic boon. He felt that this was planning at its best
rather than the piecemeal development that we see happen all of the
There being no other proponents, Herbaly called for comments from
opponer ft s =
Don Young read a letter he prepared to the Planning Board stating
that the project was frivolous and unnecessary. There would be no
recovery of the land from the housing development and it would be
lost forever. He felt that this is an economically fragile time and
would take land out of production. He expressed concern for water
table, traffic, and schools. He did not feel that this was the time
for such a plan.
Vern €ulm stated that his biggest concern was for traffic safety on
Whitefish Stage Road. He felt that any future development should be
contingent on the widening, resurfacing etc of Whitefish Stage Road.
Mark: Predenberg stated that his concern with additional development
on Whitefish Stage Road when a four lane highway is being placed on
Highway BS. Whitefish Stage Road should be left rural and there is
nothing rural about this development.
ioann Kulm stated that the public safety hazards must be addressed
before this plan goes into effect. She felt that this was prime
farmland and to add another golf course was not right. She questioned
the advisability of taking the land out of production. She also felt
that snowmobiling would be inappropriate for such an area.
Mary Jo TenEyck asked what will
be done about the agricultural
surrounding this
project~ Will
they be taxed differently than
are currently if
this project
gets going? Herbaly stated that
Appraisal Office
says that tax
values are determined by the use
the land rather than adjacent uses. She asked if that would stay
Ms. Dolbert expressed concern about a commercial enterprise next to
the cemetery.
There being no further comments from opponents, H2rbaly called on
Bill Paterson who came late and wanted to speak in favor.
Bill Peterson, President of Glacier Memorial Gardens, stated that
they felt this would be a good development to the north of them and
would be e good neighbor.
Herbaly asked for comments from LHC, Inc. as previously requested.
Gene Phillips addressed the Board stating that the entire valley is a
destination resort area whether we wish to be or not. He felt that
this development would compliment that fact. The main question is
"How do You configure a destination area?" The golf course is
environmentally beneficial, would improve the tax base, and create
�~ jobs. The development would start with the lay out of the golf
course. He felt they could change the language concerning the
commercial development areas to say that the commercial uses would be
distributed within a 50 acre area and would be pleasingly landscaped.
He suggested changing the wording of Objective A of Policy 4 to read! -
"The commercial facilities will be located near Highway 93 for
visibility and convenience." Concerning parking lots, they will be
designed not only to be functional, but also to improve the visual
impact they will have on the natural surroundings. Regarding the
townhouses and single family residences, they will each be
distributed within 50 acres. A homeowners' association will be formed
to monitor the residential covenants that will be established.
Realizing that traffic hazards can be a problem, they are proposing
that there may be three approaches off Highway 93 and three
approaches off Whitefish Stage Road adding that the property near
Whitefish Stage Road will be developed to accommodate future widening
of that road. Gene Phillips stated that development along the
Whitefish Stage Road area will be further on to give time for
expansion of the road.
Roger Claridge stated that they do take very
the concerns
of their neighbors and
are not out to take
of them. He
added their reputation
is important and that
they want
to do things
right. He said that is the spirit that they
wish to
pursue this
Two letters in opposition were submitted from Don Young and Carol
Young .
Herbaly closed the public hearing.
Board Discussions Henry Ficken opened the discussion of the Flathead County Planning
Board by calling their attention to the instruction given earlier.
Robocker asked to clarify whether this was site specific. Greer
stated that it primarily pertains to the property currently owned by
LHC .and Roger Claridge but the legal notice actually included some of
the immediate "influence" areas as well.
Tutvedt felt that the fflUlti-use concept was needed. He did not feel
that change could be resisted. If it was to be, it would and it was
better to plan that direction.
Hedstrom felt that the roads have to be the primary concern. He felt
there needed to be more coordination with the road department to
upgrade roads to handle the additional traffics He felt that the plan
deals lightly with the fire department and he would need more input
from the fire department.
McCartney liked the general concept and that there was definite need
for more golf courses: He was not happy with the location and would
like to see the area to stay open.
IJ Bartlett agreed with Tutvedt and felt that this planning was better
than loosing the agricultural land through piecemeal development.
This is a concept that I can agree with. This project will be
reviewed very throughly before it is finalized and every issue that
would come up is referred to and addressed in the conceptual plan.
Tutvedt asked for he time frame that this will, happen in?
Roger Claridge stated that they plan to begin turning the ground and
laying out the golf course this fall and have it completed by 1992.
Some of the subdivision process will begin between now and 1992 and
then plan to seed: a national chain hotel to locate a business there
and develop the convention center.
Hedstrom asked how the west side of Highway 93 fits into this plan'
Claridge said that if all goes as planned on the east side of the
highway then someday -there may need to be additional development of
golfing facilities on the west side of the highway. There is no plan
right now and perhaps it will be at least five years in the future.
Greer stated that it is his understanding that if something is
developed on the west side of the highway it will be more golf
course. He added that currently the property on that side of the
highway is zoned SSG-1 and putting a golf course there would be
lJ allowed under a conditional use permit and a plan amendment would not
be required.
Wetzel stated that he approves of this concept and felt that it would
be a good use for the property.
Pobocker asked how this would relate to the Big mountain zoning area
the Board has been discussing. Herbaly stated that the :wig mountain
Zoning District anticipates all the base area and ski resort areas
under the development plan that was submitted to the Whitefish City -
County Planning Board at their last meeting and requesting a BR-4
zoning classification. This plan amendment is a separate step and
when the zoning request is presented then a more conceptual plan will
be presented as has now been presented for Big mountain. The
Neighborhood Plan is more generic and concept oriented than would be
presented for the resort zoning classification.
Gould asked if Greer would detail the land use of all the adjacent
properties. This will have a major impact with future decision point
down the road but this is the key that unlocks those future
decisions. Greer stated that the portion addressed by the Kalispell
City -County master Plan is included in the proposal for the Kvergreen
and 'vicinity toning District for a suburban agriculture zone.
Surrounding the property is the National Guard facility, a cemetery,
rural residential, farming and further to the north is the Ponderosa
Subdivision. This destination resort concept cannot be done without a
plan amendment because itis not agriculture in nature. The toaster
Plan ;does not provide for this type of use in this locality. This
plan amendment will set the format for them to seek: zoning consistent
with the destination resort.
Carothers, of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning
Commission asked to made the discussion a joint discussion to
facilitate the time involved and would be more meaningful. Picken
asked if the Flathead County Planning Board had any problem with
Carothers complimented LHC in their very progressive approach towards
land use planning. We are dealing with an addendum to the master
Plans to deal with a land use issue and not dealing with the specific
densities and locations of roads etc that will take place on the
property. He felt that the Boards should be looking at this from the
standpoint of whether conceptually would this type of land use work:
in this location.
Gould asked LHC why this particular location? Gene Phillips stated
that the location is fairly close to population, LHC happens to own
it, and it is easily accessible from Kalispell or Whitefish. The soil
is very light and sandy and subject to wind erosion. There are a
couple of large hills that are not very valuable farm land. He would
not characterize it as prime agricultural land.
Hall felt that this is a good plans He added that you can't make
money from farming on 300 acres.
I'D Stephens stated that he generally liked the plan and the use of the
land. The comments on traffic is a real concern. Highway 93 is
scheduled to be a four lane before too much happens on this property.
The only other thing that can be done is to speed up the
Commissioners on the the needed work: on Whitefish Stage Road
Sloan stated that the Board rarely sees a plan that shows how a
development will unfold rather than to be in a position to react to
bad situations. She expressed concern for Whitefish Stage Road.
Unfortunately, most of the roads in the county are not capable of
handling the traffic that is being generated now.
Gould asked what would happen if the market studies show that there
is not a demand for the destination hotel as the developers expect.
Could the golf course stand on its own? H2rbaly stated that if the
Neighborhood Plan were adopted this plan would be ;part of the current
Master Plan until some time in the future it were changed by another
plan amendment. This plan amendment is not dependent on the success
of the development being proposed. Someone else could try to develop
the land as the plan amendment provides in the future if this
particular proposal did not succeed.
Gould felt that now is the time to raise the question since the plan
amendment would lay the ground w=orf for these developers to pursue
their plans. Roger Claridge responded by stating that currently the
Buffalo mills Golf Course has a membership greater than their
capacity which indicates a need. They would be trying to build a golf
course that would stand on its own. The hotel is not a item that the
!� developers are interested in building but if a national chain such as
Marriot etc can be attracted to build a hotel there then it will get
Flathead County Paul Tutvedt moved to pass a resolution to add as an addendum to the
Planning Board Flathead County Master Plan the proposed Neighborhood Plan as
Motion presented by 3SC, noel Bartlett seconded the motion
Robocler asked if there will be future joint meetings to consider
other phases of this developed as it unfolds. Herbaly was not sure
how things would be enfolding. The golf course is the first part of
the development being considered. The subdivision that is proposed in
the county section would be coming back: to the Flathead County
Planning Board in the future.
Greer stated that the Staff spoke to some changes that needed to be
made in the proposed addendum and Gene Phillips addressed those
concerns when he spoke. Greer asked if Tutvedt intended to
incorporate the comments of Mr. Phillips within the proposed
addendum. Tutvedt was under the impression that the Plan would be
comming back_ to the Board for any changes. Greer explained that once
voted on the plan would be sent on to the County Commissioners and
not be coming back: to the Board. Therefore a decision is needed on
the concerns expressed by the staff. They can be incorporated easily
if the Board so desires,
_.� A proposed resolution was read by Greer that would incorporate the
changes agreed to by Mr. Phillips
Paul Tutvedt withdrew his main motion and noel Bartlett withdrew his
Motion Paul Tutvedt moved to resolve that the Flathead Count;* Master Plan be
amended by the addition of the Neighborhood Plan addendum with the
amendments as addressed by Resolution #FPA- 0-1. Noel Bartlett
seconded the motion. It passed unanimously of the quorum present.
Kalispell City- Henry Ficken turned the floor over Stephen Herbaly who then gave the
County Planning floor to Therese Fox -Hash to conduct the deliberations of the
Board Kalispell City -County Planning Board.
Motion Lee Carothers moved to resolve that the Kalispell City -County Caster
Plan be amended by the addition of the Neighborhood Plan addendum
with the amendments as addressed by Resolution #KPA-90-1. Virginia
Sloan seconded the motion. Discussion was called.
Could felt that we should detail the comments to be added or changed
within the Neighborhood Plan, He also felt that snowmobiling should
be deleted as a winter activity Listed in the plan and he also felt
that the commercial area should be made contingent upon the market
analysis. Gould also asked if there was anything more that could be
done to insure the widening of Whitefish Stage Road. Herbaly stated
that he works with the TAC that sets the priorities for spending
federal aid money. The analysis has been done and Whitefish Stage
Road is high on the priority list for pedestrian and safety
Fraser called the question
Motion passed unanimously.
The resolution adopted by both Boards is attached to these minutes.
Following are the amendments made to the Neighborhood Plan by the
comments of Gene Phillips:
The project will start with the layout of the golf course.
The wording of Objective A. of Policy 4 will be changed to reads The
commercial facilities will be located near Highway 93 for visibility
and convenience.
The commercial facilities will be distributed within 50 acres.
The parking lots will be designed not only to be functional, but also
to improve the visual_ impact they will have on the natural
The townhouse and single family residences will each be distributed
within 50 acres.
A homeowner's association will be formed to monitor the residential
covenants that will be established.
We anticipate the possibility of three approaches off Highway 93 and
three approaches off Whitefish Stage Road.
Residential areas will use common roadways and not have private
driveway access to Whitefish ,Stage Road.
The property near Whitefish Stage Road will be developed to
accommodate -future widening of the Road
The road layout and design will be considered in association with
comments from the Police and fire Departments. The Fire District will
be taken into consideration when buildings are designed.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the two Board_, the
meeting was declared adjourned by the respective Boards at 9t05 p.m
Henry L . f=ick:en, Jr. Chairman Therese Fox -Hash, Chairperson
Flathead County Planning Board Kalispell City -County Planning Board
Ava Walters, Recording Secretary